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                            Comparative Study of Surgical Approaches for Renal Pelvic Stones in a Northern Rural Medical College

                Fig. 2: Landmarks for port placement for left LPL    Fig. 3: Position of ports for performing left LPL

          Fig. 4: Placement/insertion of DJ stent in renal pelvis and closure   Fig. 5: Postoperative scar in a patient who underwent
                 of pyelotomy being carried out laparoscopically       laparoscopic RPL at our medical center

             The 1st port of size 1.5 cm was at renal fossa at the  was removed as soon as the drainage became minimal
          upper border of the erector spinae muscle (in the middle  (<20 mL). Stiches were removed on the 10th postopera-
          of the lower coastal rib and the coccyx) (Fig. 2). The  tive day of the surgery (Fig. 5) X-ray KUB and ultrasound
          balloon was inflated with water and kept inflated for  KUB were done to rule out retained stone postoperatively.
          3 minutes to achieve adequate dissection and hemostasis.  All the patients were followed up for 6 months, initially
          The 2nd port was established in the renal angle of size  at 15 days and thereafter 1 month and then at 3 and
          5 mm (Fig. 3). The third port of 5 mm was made above  6 months. At the end of the study, the data were collected
          the iliac crest, which was converted into an 8 mm port to  and analyzed using appropriate statistical methods. The
          insert the cold knife for pelvic incision. The renal pelvis  p-value ≤ 0.05 was taken as the cutoff point for statistical
          was incised with endoscissor/cold knife.            significance.
             The stone was grabbed with an endograsper or artery
          forcep, whichever was easier to hold the stone. The stone   OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTS
          was pulled out of renal pelvis and kept near to the ureter.   The average age of patients in the RPL group was
          The ureteric stent was placed and the pelvis was closed   37.1 ± 12.29 years and average age in the OP group was
          with absorbable 4-0 vicryl suture (Fig. 4).         46.66 ± 10.39 years. Male to female ratio was 2.33:1.
             Cystoscope was inserted through the lower 5 mm      From Table 1, in group I, 112 (40%) of the cases were
          port site and under evidence of cystoscope, the pelvic  completed within 61 to 70 minutes and 140 cases (50%)
          stone was removed through the 10 mm port incision site.  were completed in >70 minutes. Hence, it was found
             The patient was discharged on the 3rd or 4th day of  that the maximum number of cases [140 (50%)] were
          surgery according to the condition of the patient. Drain  completed in >70 minutes. Whereas in group II, similarly,
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2017;10(1):1-7                                 3
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