Page 4 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 4

Bhanu P Sharma et al
          AIMS AND OBJECTIVES                                 Patients with multiple calculi, congenital or acquired
                                                              anatomical abnormalities (which preclude RLP), associ-
          The aim of this study was to study the efficacy, safety, and
          outcome of RLP. The study compared the advantages and   ated bleeding diathesis, pregnancy, intractable urinary
          complications of retroperitoneal pyelolithotomy (RPL)   tract infection, intrarenal pelvis, and recurrent/residual
          done laparoscopically with classical pyelolithotomy or OP.  stones  following  open surgery were  excluded from
                                                              the study.
                                                                 Preoperatively, age, weight, height, detailed history,
                                                              dietary habits, general physical examination, and previous
          The present prospective clinical study was carried out in  history of surgery were noted and recorded on patient’s
          the Department of Surgery, Maharishi Markandeshwar  proforma. Routine baseline investigations like hemoglo-
          Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Mullana,  bin, total leukocyte count, differential leukocyte count
          Haryana, India, from January 2012 to December 2015.  with platelet count, blood sugar, serum electrolytes, chest
          The study was approved by the ethical committee     X-ray, electrocardiogram, urine routine, microscopy and
          of Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Medical     urine culture and sensitivity, blood urea, and serum cre-
          Sciences and Research, Mullana. A total of 280 patients   atinine were done in patients. Radiological investigations
          of either sex and in the age group of 12 to 80 years were   done mandatorily were X-ray kidney, ureter, bladder
          taken for the study. The results were compared in both     (KUB), ultrasonography KUB, and intravenous pyelogra-
          techniques.                                         phy (IVP) (Fig. 1). Additionally, plain computed tomogra-
                                                              phy scan and diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid scan
                                                              were done when required. All patients were given routine
          Patient Selection
                                                              preoperative and postoperative antibiotics in injectable
          The study was divided into two groups. Consent was  form (ceftriaxone 1 gm, amikacin 500 mg, and metrogyl
          taken from patients on whether they wanted to opt for  100 mL). The patient was placed in a lateral decubitus
          open procedure or laparoscopic procedure. Group I  position, and the kidney bridge was elevated to flatten out
          consisted of 160 patients who underwent RLP. Group II  the lumbar region.
          consisted of 120 patients who underwent OP. All patients   The RLP was performed using the same technique
          were between age group of 12 and 80 years and had  as in several standard laparoscopic renal procedures. In
          unilateral and bilateral solitary pelvic stones (1–3 cm).  general, three to four port placements were used.

                                   Fig. 1: Intravenous pyelography with a stone in pelvis of left kidney
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