Page 22 - Prospectus of World Laparoscopy Hospital
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Objectives of the IVF Training Course                               TOPICS COVERED

            •  To  understand  the  basic  knowledge  of  assisted  •  Basics of female neuroendocrine system, Understanding
               reproductive technology.                              the hormones, Ovarian reserve.
                                                                  •  Basics  of  infertility,  Male  infertility,  History  taking  &
            •  To be able to explain to patients and their families  investigations.
               regarding  the  different  aspect  of  assisted    •  Ovulation induction in IUI, Secrets to success of IUI, Myths
               reproductive technology.                              on IUI.
            •  To enable the candidate to handle the state-of-art  •  Semen analysis equipments /media, Semen preparation
               equipment, its proper use and care.                   techniques, Hands on semen preparation.
                                                                  •  Monitoring  of  stimulated cycles,  TVS  in  infertility,  USG
            •  To  have  the  basic  skills  customized  for  the    hands on.
               candidate to suit their specific needs.
                                                                  •  Agonists, Antagonists, Protocols for IVF cycles.
            •  To  know  the  indications,  contraindication,     •  Ovum pick up, Equipments, Practical.
               complications of different techniques of ART.      •  Embryo transfer, Lecture, Practical.

            •  To have enough skill for starting their own practice  •  IVF/ICSI  /Vitrification,  Gametes  handling  /Media,  Lab
               of assisted reproductive technology                   equipments /maintenance.
                                                                  •  Special  conditions,  Poor  Responders,  PCOS,

             Topics Covered During IVF Training
                                                                                        Course Fees
            •  Introduction to In vitro fertilisation (IVF).
            •  Ultrasound  folliculometry,  urinary  LH  surge          Course Fees of Fellowship in Assisted Reproductive
               detection.                                                Technologies is 1700 USD for Overseas candidate
            •  Investigation and management of infertility.                 and 70,000 Rupees for Indian Candidates.
            •  IUI, (AIH).
                                                                  Please  note that  living  expenses  (Food,  Travel,  Stationary,
            •  IUI (Donor insemination).
                                                                  and Laundry etc.) are not covered in the course fee. There is
            •  Hands on semen analysis, semen washing, sperm
               freezing.                                          no extra charge to utilize hospital resources like internet, IVF
                                                                  instruments, O.T. Dress, Library, Videos, CDs.
            •  Hands  On  Semen  Preparation  for  intrauterine
               insemination (IUI).
            •  Tests for Ovarian reserve.                                               Certification
            •  Different  stimulation  protocol  and  monitoring  of  At  the  end  of  the  programme,  candidate  will  receive
               controlled ovarian hyperstimulation.               Certificate  of  Fellowship  in  Assisted  Reproductive
            •  Prevention of OHSS and its management.
            •  Approaches to ovarian stimulation in PCO patients.  For  pleasant  memorable  stay  of  trainee  of  Fellowship  in
            •  Role of Assisted reproductive technology (ART) in  Assisted  Reproductive  Technologies  we  have  hostel
               endometriosis.                                     accommodation available at very nominal cost. Gurugram is
            •  Hands  On  Egg  pick  up,  its  protocol  and  trouble  one of the most expensive cities in India. DLF phase 2 is one of
               shoots.                                            the most expensive in Gurugram. Keeping the comfort and
            •  Hands on culture dish preparation.                 security  of  doctors  in  mind  we  have  subsidized  Doctor's
                                                                  Hostel. It is 3 Star facility where you will feel valued and cared
            •  Gamete handling and insemination in embryology
               lab.                                               from the moment you arrive even alone or with your spouce
                                                                  or family. Please note that accommodation is reserved on
            •  Hands on catheter loading of embryos and transfer  first come first served basis and it is advised to reserve your
               using non gamete cells. Luteal support.
                                                                  room  prior  to  arrival.  In  case  you  want  very  economical
            •  Protocols for thaw embryo transfer                 budget accommodation we can arrange it for you.

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