Page 17 - Prospectus of Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery
P. 17

Course Time Table of F.MAS

              Day 5
                            09:00am - 12:00pm
                            Batch A: Hands-On practice of Laparoscopic Extracorporeal Knotting for Continuous Structure
                            like Cystic Duct, Uterine artery, Splenic or Renal Arteries (Hands-On Training) + Laparoscopic
                            Square  knot  to  Myoma  and  Fundoplication  Burch  suspension,  Partial  nephrectomy,  rectal
                            prolapse and vault closure in total laparoscopic hysterectomy.

                            12:00pm - 02:30pm
                            Lecture  and  PowerPoint  Video  Presentation  of  Various  Laparoscopic  Access Techniques  for
                            Surgeons,  Gynaecologists  and  Urologists  including  Veress  Needle,  Hassons  method,
                            Scandinavian  method  and  Fielding  method  of  Access.  Use  of  Visiport  and  optical  needle.
                            Complications of Access Technique and How to manage those complication.

                            Lecture and Video demonstration of Diagnostic Laparoscopy. Systemetic way of performing
                            diagnostic  laparoscopy  for  all  the  specialization  including  tubal  patency  test  and
                            chromotubation for gynaecologist. Diagnosis of undescended and vanished testes for urologists.

                            Lunch : 02:30pm - 03:00pm

                            03:00pm - 06:00pm
                            Batch B: Hands-On practice of Laparoscopic Extracorporeal Knotting for Continuous Structure
                            like Cystic Duct, Uterine artery, Splenic or Renal Arteries (Hands-On Training) + Laparoscopic
                            Square  knot  to  Myoma  and  Fundoplication  Burch  suspension,  Partial  nephrectomy,  rectal
                            prolapse and vault closure in total laparoscopic hysterectomy.

              Day 6
                            10:00am - 12:00pm
                            Batch A: Hands-On practice of Laparoscopic Intracorporeal Surgeons Knot used for Tuboplasty,
                            Bowel anastomosis, Vault closure, Enterotomy repair, bladder injury and pyeloplasty (Hands On
                            Training on Tissue in O. T. environment).

                            12:00pm - 02:30pm
                            Batch  A  +  Batch  B:  Baseball  Diamond  Principle  of  Laparoscopic  Port  Positioning.  Video
                            Presentation  of  Exact  point  where  one  should  put  the  port  during  various  Laparoscopic
                            Procedures to achieve the ergonomics to task performance. This is one of the most important
                            principles  not  taught anywhere  in  the  World except  by  R.K.  Mishra  who  is  inventor  of  this

                            Lunch : 02:30pm - 03:00pm

                            03:00pm - 06:00pm
                            Batch B: Hands-On practice of Laparoscopic Intracorporeal Surgeons Knot used for Tuboplasty,
                            Bowel anastomosis, Vault closure, Enterotomy repair, bladder injury and pyeloplasty (Hands On
                            Training on Tissue in O. T. environment).

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