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                                                         Efficiency of Laparoscopic Appendicectomy in Perforated Appendicitis
          Operative Steps and Procedure Analysis              experience.  In converted cases, the benefit of LA in
                                                              complicated appendicitis would be underestimated.
          Multiport technique is most commonly performed for
          appendicectomy. Single-port LA is a more less-invasive   Basically, conversion rate varies depending on the evalu-
          procedure. But  conversion  rate  from  single  port  to   ation of anatomy, condition of the pathology, and the
          multiport was higher (25% need additional trocars) in   surgical skills also.
          complicated appendicitis.  Although Muensterer et al    Postoperative Complication Analysis
          still considered single-port approach is applicable for
          children with complicated appendicitis, so far multiport  Infection
          technique is a more effective approach to deal with per-  A lot of studies documented less wound infection in LA
          forated appendicitis.                               than OA, both in adults 8,10-14,17,18  and children  in com-
             Safe and effective closure of appendiceal stump   plicated appendicitis. Several studies documented the
          could play a vital role for the outcomes of perforated   infection rate for LA as 0 to 15% and OA as 2 to 48%.
          appendicitis management. Various methods including   Practically, we used to retrieve the infected appendix
          titanium endoclips, absorbable endoloops knot, nonme-  with endobag to avoid port-site contamination. It has
          tallic hemlocks, or staplers have been used for securing   been suggested to handle the appendix during LA with
          appendiceal stumps during LA.  A study by Beldi et al     an atraumatic grasper and every attempt to avoid the
          reported that stapler usage is safer to overcome IAA for-  rupture of appendix.  But the development of IAA for-
          mation compared with endoloops. But endoloops are 6 to   mation during postoperative period is not uncommon in
          12 times cheaper than stapling devices and convenient to   perforated appendicitis because it would increase treat-
          use by most of the surgeons. Sahm et al  reported that   ment cost due to prolonged antibiotic usages, prolonged
          there was no significant difference after using staplers   hospital stays, and may even require readmission. To
          or endoloops in perforated appendicitis for developing   overcome such complications, LA could play a big role
          IAA (4.2 vs 3.5%, p = 0.870), but only a few cases required   compared with OA. 13,30,31  Masoomi et al  reported the
          staplers. Operating surgeon is the best judge for choosing   reduced rate of IAA in LA vs OA (1.65 vs 3.57%, p < 0.01).
          the stump ligation device.                          But, some recent reports suggested the incidences of IAA
             Surgical toileting is one of the must do steps in the   were still significant in LA for perforated appendicitis. 18,32
          presence of generalized peritonitis either in open or
          laparoscopic approach. But the efficacy of lavage remains   Postoperative Analgesia
          controversial. The peritoneal lavage is effective before
          wound closure to reduce wound contamination in perfo-  Pain is a subjective issue. As the multiple small incisions
          rated appendicitis or appendicular abscess,  and it is also   are more immune than a single large incision, multiple
          suggested by European guideline that through lavage   small-port incisions could effectively lower the need for
          (with 6–8 L normal saline) we can effectively lower the   postoperative analgesics. Some studies also documented
          rate of IAA in perforated appendicitis.  In contrast, the   on adults that LA causes less pain in perforated appendi-
          lavage itself might spread the infection. Whenever a study   citis compared with OA.   But the children may show
          documents a higher IAA rate with peritoneal irrigation   no difference.
          in perforated appendicitis,  the role of lavage remains
          controversial. Abdominal drains are commonly used   Treatment Cost
          either in laparoscopy or open approach to evacuate the  After diagnosis and surgery, the treatment cost varies,
          residual abdominal collection and prevent concurrent  especially due to postoperative complications, including
          IAA in routine or emergency surgery.  Sleem et al   infection, sepsis, intensive care support, prolonged anti-
          documented that pelvic drain could not reduce the rate  biotics, analgesics, increased hospital stay, etc. Uncom-
          of IAA after LA or OA. Allemann et al  reported overall  plicated appendicitis managed by LA reported reduced
          less complication without drains vs with drain (7.7 vs  hospital stay and treatment cost  as well as in perforated
          18.5%, p = 0.01) with shorter hospital stay (4.2 vs 7.3 days,  appendicitis irrespective of patient’s age. 11,17,35,36  From
          p = 0.0001). Pessaux et al  documented higher infection  the nationwide inpatient sample data of 573,244 adults,
          rate related to abdominal drains after LA.          Masoomi et al  have concluded the length of hospital
             Conversion from LA to OA could negatively impact  stay in LA vs OA (4.0 vs 6.0 days, p ≤ 0.01). Tiwari et al
          the outcome due to longer operation time, excess use of  also reported reduced medical cost in LA than OA. Treat-
          anesthetic agents, and overall more stress to the surgeon  ment cost largely varies from institutional practices by
          and patient. The conversion rates have been reported  using disposable laparoscopic instruments, expensive
          from LA to OA as 0 to 47% 11,17  correlating with surgeon’s  electrosurgical devices and stapling devices, etc.
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2018;11(1):38-42                             39
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