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Minimal Access Surgery in Cesarean Scar Pregnancy
            treating clinician, it poses a great threat to the patient’s life. This   Table 1: Patients with history of previous cesarean section and D&C
            study has been planned to evaluate the laparoscopic management   Procedure           Number of patients
            of CSP and its outcome with the aims and objective to study the
            efficacy and outcome of laparoscopic management of CSP and   LSCS-1                        9
            to study the demographic characteristics and various etiological   LSCS-2                  2
            factors leading to CSP.                             D&C before LSCS                        2
                                                                D&C after LSCS                         5
            MAterIAls And Methods
            This was a retrospective study. It was conducted in the Department   Table 2: Duration between previous cesarean section and current
            of Obstetrics and Gynecology at a tertiary healthcare center over a   pregnancy (years)
            period of 2 years. Patients with diagnosed CSP were included in the
            study after satisfying inclusion and exclusion criteria.  Time elapsed since last LSCS  Number of patients
               CSEP diagnostic criteria advocated on USG.       12–18 weeks                              3

            •  Empty uterus with clearly visualized endometrium. 9  18–24 weeks                          3
            •  Empty cervical canal.                            >24 weeks                                5
            •  Gestational sac implanted in the lower anterior uterine segment
              at the presumed site of cesarean section incision site. 10
            •  Thin or absent myometrium between the gestational sac and   Table 3: Cesarean section—emergency during labor/elective
              the bladder. 11                                   LSCS                      Frequency    Percent (%)
            •  Doppler flow at the previous caesarean scar and negative-sliding   Emergency LSCS during labor  3  27.27
              organ sign. 12,13
                                                                Elective LSCS (not in labor)  8         72.72
            Inclusion Criteria
            •  Patients with a history of at least one previous CS with β-hCG     the majority of them (54.5%) presented with no symptoms on
              >5000 IU.                                        admission. A total of seven patients provided a history of dilatation
            •  Diagnosed case of CSP on ultrasonography.       and curettage (D&C) for termination of pregnancy in the past. Five
            •  Consented for laparoscopic management.          patients had undergone D&C after cesarean section (Table 1).
            •  Desirous of future pregnancy.                      Eight patients had a history of elective cesarean section in the
            •  Gestational age <12 weeks.                      past. All the patients were not aware of the importance of birth
            Exclusion Criteria                                 spacing after cesarean section, and hence the contraceptives were
                                                               not used regularly by them. Six patients conceived within 24 months
            •  Chronic medical disorder for which patients were not fit for the   of the last cesarean section (Table 2).
              laparoscopic surgery.                               In our study, nine (81%) patients underwent cesarean section
            •  Patient willing for conservative medical management.
                                                               electively at term in the past (Table 3).
            Routine history, including demographic characteristics, presenting   Seven patients required blood transfusion during surgery, while
            complaints, etc., was recorded in an approved proforma. Routine   two patients had undergone exploratory laparotomy for bladder
            blood  investigations and serum  β-hCG  levels  were  noted.   repair. Both these patients presented with gestational age of more
            Gestational age on USG was recorded. Diagnosis inferred from   than 10 weeks with higher β-hCG levels and significant-size CSP on
            the above investigations was analyzed in the study. Surgical   admission. These two patients were managed in the surgical ICU for
            management was carried out as per the multimodality approach,   2 days. Overall, nine patients were managed successfully through
            i.e., use of minimal access surgery, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, and   laparoscopic surgery. The average blood loss noted was 100–300 mL,
            cystoscopy along with ultrasonography. The defective scar was   and surgery duration was 90–120 minutes. Only one patient
            excised, and the underlying uterine wall repair was done with   produced a discharge summary or surgical notes of the previous
            intracorporeal suturing.                           cesarean section, so details of the surgical procedure, the patient’s
               Maternal outcomes in the form of successful laparoscopic   recovery, and instructions on discharge could not be retrieved for
            management, repair of organs like bladder, bowel, ureter,   rest of the patients. Overall, nine (81.8%) patients were successfully
            hemorrhage requiring blood transfusion, ICU management,   managed by minimal access surgery. One patient conceived
            follow-up clinical examination, onset of regular menstrual cycles,   spontaneously after 2 years of laparoscopic management of CSP.
            and future pregnancy outcome were recorded.
            results                                            Mean age of the patients presented with CSP in our study was 28
            All the patients enrolled in the study underwent laparoscopic   years, which is comparable with the results conducted by Xiao et al.
            management of CSP. The average age of the patients in the study   The mean age in their study was 30.7 ± 3.4 years.  It shows that
            was 28 years. Nine patients had undergone one cesarean section in   young women were at risk of losing their fertility. Chuang et al. 15
            the past. Nine patients presented with anemia with Hb <10 gm/dL.   argued that the number of previous cesarean sections does not
            Six patients presented with gestational age less than 7 weeks, while   appear to be a factor for CSP. In our study, nine patients of diagnosed
            five patients presented after 8 weeks of gestation. Nine patients   CSP had a history of one cesarean section in the past.
            presented with β-hCG >10000 IU. Patients with CSP were admitted   Nine patients were found anemic on admission (Hb <10 gm/dL).
            with complaints of vaginal bleeding or pain in the abdomen, but   Chen et al.,  in their study concluded that anemia and single-layer

             2    World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 16 Issue 1 (January–April 2023)
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