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Comparison of Types of IPOM
            realized that the placement and fixation of the mesh were more   Comparable single-institution case series and one multicenter
            crucial in determining the outcome of the repairs.   randomized study reported recurrence rates as low as 0–2.5%. 13–17
               The placement of the mesh in the preperitoneal, retromuscular   Our study showed no significant relation between mesh
            position with a wide overlap of at least 5 cm over hernia defect in all   fixation by use of suture passer with transfascial sutures and
            directions was introduced in the late 1980s. The extensive dissection   nonabsorbable tackers and recurrence of the hernia, which is
            in open procedure accounted for most of its complications   consistent with the existing literature. 14,15  There has been a recent
               Omphalocele,  gastroschisis,  and  divarication  of  rectus   focus on the use of glue for mesh fixation, particularly in areas
            abdominis account for a congenital visceral hernia. Latrogenic   such as the subcostal margins and close to the xiphisternum and
            factor accounts for incisional hernias. The faulty technique of closing   pelvis. Other studies have emphasized that mesh fixation using
            the 10 mm port after surgery can also account for incisional hernias.   fibrin glue in patients with a ventral hernia is associated with less
            Systemic and other comorbid conditions can also account for the   postoperative pain. 18–20
            development of incisional hernia such as cough, steroid intake,
            wound infection, cancer, morbid obesity, nutritional imbalance,   conclusIon
            and wound infection. These reduce collagen synthesis and wound
            healing.                                           Intraperitoneal Onlay Mesh is an acceptable technique. In our study,
               Other factors include duration of the operation, crossing   even though PPV is shown to be associated with a significantly
            incisions, ineffective wound drainage, and excessive wound tension.   higher incidence of adhesion-related intestinal obstruction, it is
            Two other important variables include nutritional aspects as well as   still feasible to use because intestinal obstruction resulting from its
            the presence of cancer  which overall reduces the ability for wound   usage easily gets relieved by simple conservative treatment as can
            healing and collagen deposition in the wound. Three to thirteen   be seen in our cases. Also, this study will further promote its usage
            percent of laparotomy patients develop incisional hernias. Multiple   as can be seen in the lower incidence of recurrence, seroma, and
            defects (Swiss cheese hernias) are best done by laparoscopy as all   hematoma formation as compared to the composite mesh and also
            defects unlike in the open approach get directly visualized and   for the fact that it is cheaper than composite mesh. The composite
            appropriately covered by a single mesh.            mesh, however, can equally be used if the patients can afford it,
               Contraindication of laparoscopic repair of ventral hernia is very   especially in a resource-poor setting such as ours. However, for the
            Large hernia with huge protrusion of skin which is thin enough,   newer meshes such as proceed and the biological meshes (surgisis
            and skin fold is necessary to correct by abdominoplasty. Dense   and alloderm), more studies should be done.
            intra-abdominal adhesions are also a relative contraindication of
            laparoscopic repair of ventral hernia.             references
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