Page 26 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Anshika Lekhi et al 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1290
Perspective of Electrosurgical Sources
in Minimal Access Surgery
1 Anshika Lekhi, JS Chowhan, RK Mishra
ABSTRACT Source of support: Nil
Introduction: There are devices that apply energy to cut, Conflict of interest: None
coagulate, and desiccate the tissue with minimal bleeding and
by overcoming the hindrance of laparoscopy facilitate minimal INTRODUCTION
access surgery. The inappropriate utilization of electrosurgi-
cal devices may expand horrible morbidity and mortality. The Minimal access surgery has posed unique challenges with
present article surveys different electrosurgical sources as far regard to cutting and hemostasis due to visual, tactile,
as their basic uses and safe practices.
and mechanical limitations. But this has resulted in a
Objectives: The aim of this review is to discuss about various variety of creative solutions with their own advantages
types of available energy sources, their biophysics, their tissue
effects, and complications. It also emphasizes the advantages and disadvantages, electrosurgery being one of them.
and disadvantages of these electrosurgical devices and the The terms “electrocautery” and “electrosurgery” are
need for learning required with them. frequently used interchangeably; however, these terms
Materials and methods: With the end goal of this review, define two distinctly different modalities. Electrocautery
a general pursuit was led through NCBI, SpringerLink, and is the use of electricity to heat an object that is then used
Google. Articles depicting laparoscopic or minimally access to burn a specific site – for example, a hot wire – whereas
surgeries utilizing single or different energy sources were con-
sidered, in addition to articles contrasting different marketed in electrosurgery, the electrical current heats the tissue.
energy devices in lab settings. Keywords, such as laparoscopy, The current must pass through the tissue to produce the
vitality, laser, electrosurgery, monopolar, bipolar, harmonic, desired effect.
ultrasonic, and difficulties were utilized as a part of the search. Today’s specialists are spoilt for decision when it
Results: The authors in this review of the literature likewise comes to minimal access electrosurgery sources, due to a
accentuate on the unprejudiced learning of all the energy devices business sector where there has been noteworthy change
before using them. It also shows that the performance of the in the course of the most recent decade. Moreover, new
energy devices depends upon the type of effect needed. There
is no accord as to which device is ideal for a given purpose. The instruments frequently arrive joined by much ballyhoo
specialized expertise level of the specialist and the learning about and buildup. Shockingly, many of the research facilities
the device are both critical variables in choosing safe results. and clinical information on new electrosurgery sources
Conclusion: To defeat the deceptions of laparoscopic are from studies attempted, and also supported, by the
hemostasis and cutting, electrosurgery has turned out as an producer, and information from randomized trials is
imaginative innovation. It has made the life of an expert simple. unavailable. Regardless, it remains the obligation of
Be that as it may, everything accompanies its own burdens.
Electrosurgery also has its own disadvantages and complexi- the specialist to procure information on the scope of
ties. The utilization of electrosurgery ought to be constrained tissue impacts accessible with different laparoscopic
just for spots where essential. An expert ought to try to know electrosurgery sources, how these gadgets give their
totally about the device he/she is utilizing and ought not to be tissue impacts, and the related advantages and dangers
driven by marketing companies.
for every gadget. Thus, it is not a simple assignment for
Keywords: Electrosurgery, Energy sources in surgery, Mini- specialists to settle on choices about the sources they use
mally access surgery.
for operative laparoscopy.
How to cite this article: Lekhi A, Chowhan JS, Mishra RK.
Perspective of Electrosurgical Sources in Minimal Access PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRICITY
Surgery. World J Lap Surg 2016;9(3):130-137.
Electricity always follows some universal rules. These are
that electricity always seeks the ground and invariably
1 Consultant, Senior Consultant Surgeon, Medical Director seeks the path of least resistance.
1-3 Department of Minimal Access Surgery, World Laparoscopy There are three variables involved in any electrical
Hospital, Gurgaon, Haryana, India circuit. These are voltage (v), impedance or resistance (R),
Corresponding Author: Anshika Lekhi, Consultant, Department and current (I). The relationship between them is estab-
of Minimal Access Surgery, World Laparoscopy Hospital lished by the Ohm’s law.
Gurgaon, Haryana, India, Phone: +918860241148, e-mail: V I =