The Global Open University

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The Global Open University


Delhi Office:
A/14 Paryavaran Complex
South of Saket, New Delhi - 110030


Prof. R.K. Mishra Professor and Head Department of Minimal Access Surgery

Click Here for UGC Inspection Report of University

global medical education award

Prof. Mishra receiving his professorship certificate from the 7 Vice-chancellors of India

Prof. P.R. Trivedi with Prime Minister

Chancellor of our University with President of India


The Global Open University


Our Vice Chancellor Dr. Priya Ranjan Trivedi with the Prime Minister Dr. Man Mohan Singh


Our Vice Chancellor Dr. Priya Ranjan Trivedi with UPA Chairperson Smt. Sonia Gandhi


Our Vice Chancellor Dr. Priya Ranjan Trivedi with the then Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee


Our Vice Chancellor Dr. Priya Ranjan Trivedi with the then President of India Shri K R Narayanan


Vice Chancellor Dr. Priya Ranjan Trivedi with the then Prime Minister Shri Rajiv Gandhi



His Excellency the Governor of Nagaland Mr. K. Sankaranarayanan congratulating the Pro Chancellor of TGO University Dr. Priya Ranjan Trivedi.

His Excellency the Governor of Nagaland and Chancellor of TGO University, Nagaland Mr. K. Sankaranarayanan with Pro Chancellor Dr. Priya Ranjan Trivedi and Vice Chancellor Dr. M Motsuo Ngullie.



His Excellency the Governor of Nagaland Mr. K. Sankaranarayanan with Pro Chancellor of TGO University
Dr. Priya Ranjan Trivedi and his Team Members Mr. C R Lotha, Special Officer and Mr. Imotemsu Ao, Director.

His Excellency the Governor of Nagaland Mr. K Sankaranarayanan with Pro Chancellor of TGO University Dr. P R Trivedi, Controller of Examination Dr. Aaradhana Salpekar, Finance Officer
Ms. Jaya Pillai Iyer and Accounts Officer Mr. Vijay Kumar K B at Nagaland House, New Delhi.



The Hon'ble Chief Minister of Nagaland Mr. Neiphiu Rio and the Chief Secretary of Nagaland Mr. Lalhuma with the Pro Chancellor of TGO University Dr. P R Trivedi, Finance Officer Ms. Jaya Pillai Iyer, IT Head Dr. Avinash Chiranjeev and GIS Lab Head Er. Anil K Jamwal at Nagaland House, New Delhi.

The Hon'ble Chief Minister of Nagaland Mr. Neiphiu Rio with Pro Chancellor of TGO University (TGOU), Nagaland Dr. Priya Ranjan Trivedi, Vice Chancellor Dr. M Motsuo Ngullie and Health Minister of Nagaland Hon'ble Dr. T M Lotha.



His Excellency the Governor of Nagaland Mr. Shyamal Datta met the Pro Chancellor of TGO University Dr. P R Trivedi and his team in October 2006 and thanked him for taking lead in this direction for taking initiatives for introducing job oriented programmes in the State of Nagaland.

The Hon'ble Chief Minister of Nagaland Mr. Neiphiu Rio met the Pro Chancellor of TGO University Dr. P R Trivedi and his team on 30 October 2006. The Hon'ble Chief Minister expressed his happiness over the initiatives taken by the World Institution Building Programme (WIBP).



Dr. Shurhozelie Liezietsu, Hon'ble Minister for Higher Education, Planning and Urban Development, Government of Nagaland with Dr. P R Trivedi, Pro Chancellor, Dr. Aaradhana Salpekar, Controller of Examinations and Mr. Imotemsu Ao, Director, TGOU after discussing the Action Plans with the Minister.

Dr. T M Lotha, Hon'ble Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Government of Nagaland with Dr. P R Trivedi, Pro Chancellor, Dr. Aaradhana Salpekar, Controller of Examinations, Mr. Imotemsu Ao, Director and Mr. H Rocky Singh, Scientist after seeking suggestions from the Minister for the development of the University.


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