Huge Ovarian Cyst Surgery by Laparoscopy (Adnexectomy)
Gynecology / Mar 24th, 2013 1:03 pm     A+ | a-

A laparoscopic cystectomy removes just the cyst leaving the ovaries intact. However, in the event the cyst is too big or linked to ovarian tissue, laparoscopic surgeon removes all or section of the ovary called as adenexectomy. Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy is surely an minimally invasive surgical procedure for the abdomen to analyze the cystic organs in the abdomen and to remove it with minimum trauma. A patient suffering from ovarian cyst may be administered general anaesthesia along with a single, small cut is done over the abdominal wall around the umbilicus to move the camera. Then patient's abdominal muscles are separated to succeed in ovary with two more 5 mm trocar. Occasionally the blood vessels offering the ovary are clamped and tied off or cooked. Then the cysts are removed. Alternatively, samples of tissues could possibly be removed for further analysis. If the cysts are cancerous, your physician might need to remove the affected ovary. The abdominals are sewed and the incision is closed with stitches.

Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy
Cystectomy is really a surgical excision of an ovarian cyst. Cysts on ovaries are small fluid-filled sacs that develop for the ovaries. Ovaries include the almond shaped organs located one on both sides from the uterus. Once per month, in your menstrual cycle, a follicle forms in your ovary. A follicle is really a fluid filled sac which has an egg. Often a follicle release mature egg from your ovary (ovulation). In some instances, if your follicle ceases to rupture and release an egg, the fluid stays within the follicle and forms a cyst. This is called cysts on the ovaries. People with cysts on ovaries often do not experience any but a majority of women can experience pressure, swelling, pain in the abdomen, pain during sex and abnormal or unusually painful periods.

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Dr. Purnima Singh
Jun 17th, 2020 4:41 am
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Dr. Akansha
Jun 17th, 2020 4:44 am
Thank you. Your lectures are inspiring and precise. Keep up the noble work!. I am very happy to watch your video. Thanks for sharing Huge Ovarian Cyst Surgery by Laparoscopy video.
Dr. Babita
Jul 5th, 2020 6:24 am
A very informative video cleared all my doubts. Thank you for posting of an educative and informative video of Huge Ovarian Cyst Surgery by Laparoscopy.
Dr. Nelson
Jul 5th, 2020 6:29 am
Thank you so much for this informative video of the ovarian cyst. I am suffering from a hernia. This video is most helpful for me.
Dr. Bala D
Jul 5th, 2020 6:43 am
Thanks, doctor for such beautiful and important information. I salute and liked this surgery. Thanks for sharing this interesting video of Huge Ovarian Cyst.
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