Role of Laparoscopy in Ureterolithotomy
General Surgery / Jul 24th, 2014 9:35 am     A+ | a-

Laparoscopy is a high-end modern technique to operate surgeries in a minimal invasive way. It is patient’s friendly and even helps the doctor to perform the surgery, more effectually. Laparoscopy is a technique that could be undertaken only by specialists and hence, requires expert hands for it to turn around, successfully. The procedure requires a three dimensional camera, which provides the doctor with a clean and high definition image of the affected areas on a high resolution three dimensional monitor.  This comes as a great assist to the doctor and ensures a clean and hassle free surgery.

Laparoscopy is an alternative to open surgery as the former is more effective, less troublesome and is more reliable than the latter. Endoscopic treatment is not a healthy option for the surgical removal of large stones. Laparoscopy, in particular, is extremely effectual against middle and upper ureter, while the lower ureter is where this technique is not much asked for. Even from a cosmetic preference, laparoscopy is a more sought after technique than that of the other open surgeries. After the advent of laparoscopy, the surgical treatments have revolutionized. Laparoscopy has changed the way we once looked at the prolonged, relentlessly painful and marks forcing surgeries, now it has transcended into brisk, painless and clean surgeries.

Open surgeries, can make a patient feel nauseated with its prolonged treatments, excessive blood loss and post operational pains. The open surgeries does not allow the patient to recover even long after the completion of the surgery, whereas, laparoscopy enables a patient to join the work place shortly after his/her release, which means it ensures a healthy recovery in minuscule of time.

It has proved itself as a best technique for extraction of stones, from the body. Even when the techniques like endoscopy ureterolithotripsy or shock wave lithotripsy have failed, laparoscopy has come forward as the perfect aider. Especially for the stones of larger sizes, laparoscopy proves out as a sure short solution.  The laparoscopic technique gives a better working space to the doctor and better identification of anatomical parts. It is a technique which minimizes the minimal intraoperative bleeding hence, making it more effective and helpful.

Another very important point that underlines the efficacy of laparoscopy is that this surgical type makes sure there is no reformation of stones, once removed. Time and again, through experiments and real time operations, laparoscopy has been recognized as a real time savior, patients undergone laparoscopy have shown minimum chances of recurring of stones. This is indeed a very important development in the science of medicines because, once developed or formed, the stones leave the tendency of reformation or redevelopment in the upper, middle and lower ureters.

This ensures that laparoscopy is a very effective and safe method when it comes to dealing with ureterolithotomy. It is the least painful and most reliable technique, which ensures minimum blood loss and maximum recovery, that too within a very short period of time. I would rather say “Laparoscopy in ureterolithotomy has revolutionized the science of surgery”. 
Dr. Gunjan yadav
Apr 27th, 2020 12:15 pm
Thanks for posting the Role of Laparoscopy in Ureterolithotomy video! Absolutely amazing!!.
Dr Nitish Kumar Yadav
May 19th, 2020 10:02 am
This is very helpful sir, thanks for posting the Role of Laparoscopy in Ureterolithotomy video! your videos is very helpful. Absolutely amazing!!.
Dr. Harper
Jun 11th, 2020 4:50 am
Thank you for that motivational video. It lets me feel that I can do It. Thanks for sharing this educative video of Role of Laparoscopy in Ureterolithotomy
Dr. Jameson
Jun 13th, 2020 1:42 pm
I would like to congratulate you on this excellent video and operation. I am very happy to watch this video of the role of Laparoscopy in Ureterolithotomy. I learned so much. Thanks.
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