Criteria of a Successful Laparoscopic Surgery Training Institute
WLH / Nov 17th, 2012 5:10 pm     A+ | a-
It is a hard fact that laparoscopic and robotic surgery has carved out for itself an irreplaceable surgical niche in the field of modern medicine. Now every young surgeon and gynecologist has to welcome this fascinating frontier of minimal access surgery. In the past few years, several research groups have been working to analyze and automate the training process using modern laparoscopic and robotic surgical tools. The Goal of any good laparoscopic training centre is to create an objective, standardized method of surgical training as well as to reduce the time and cost of having an experienced surgeon in the training loop.


For any general surgeon and gynecologist gaining Laparoscopic skills is not a easy task. Nowadays just Skill in conventional open surgical procedures does not necessarily confer necessary skills in Endoscopic surgery. There is requirement of a good course which should aim at bridging this gap formulated with the following objectives in mind.


1. To master the necessary haptic feedback and reduced tactile sensation, altered hand eye co- ordination due to the length and design of laparoscopic instruments and the three dimensional absence of depth perception in laparoscopic surgery due to the two dimensional representation of the three dimensional abdominal cavity.

2. To familiarization the surgeons and gynecologists with specialized endoscopic equipment and design of instrumentation.

3. To train the surgeons and gynecologists in the principles of Laparoscopic surgery.

4. To train the surgeons and gynecologists in the indications, contraindications & limitations of Laparoscopic surgery.

6. To train the surgeons and gynecologists so that they can perform safe abdominal insufflation.

7. To train the surgeons and gynecologists so that they should have Hands on training to perform Laparoscopic procedures on live animals and on human patients.

6. To train the surgeons and gynecologists Setting up a Laparoscopy Unit and to learn Sterilization and Maintenance of Instruments & Equipment, Documentation, Storage of data and Presentation

7. To train the surgeons and gynecologists in anesthesia in laparoscopic surgery

8. To train the surgeons and gynecologists in trouble shooting in Laparoscopic Surgery, electro Surgery & Newer Energy Sources, prosthetic Meshes and Fixation Devices, morcellators and Organ Retrieval Systems

9. To make aware participants about complications in Laparoscopic surgery

Institute of Laparoscopic Surgery and Research and Training Centre of World Laparoscopy Hospital has recognized, as far back as in 1998, the urgent need for quality training in this vital area. The farsighted expert vision of Dr. R.K. Mishra has indeed paid rich dividends and this institution is today a premier center in the whole world for providing hands-on training in Laparoscopic and da Vinci robotic surgery. The training given by World Laparoscopy Hospital has been, as a matter of course, recognized by WALS - The World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons and International College of Robotic Surgery. Since inception of this great academic institute we have come a long way. Undoubtedly, our biggest asset is the faith of surgeons and gynecologist from all over world faith in this centre of excellence. The doctors are welcome to stay on as guest even after completion of the course to better acquaint themself with the laparoscopic surgery at this institute.

This institute also provides training in da Vinci robotic surgery. Training in Minimal Access Surgical skill can be broken down into two groups:

1.      Theoretical skill, consisting of factual and decision-making knowledge and

2.      Practical skill which contain the ability to carry out manual tasks such as dissection and suturing.

Theoretical skill is often taught in a classroom of World Laparoscopy Hospital and is thought to be accurately tested with written examinations like the Medical College and the practical skill, on the other hand, is much more difficult to judge so there is a dedicated high definition lab of World Laparoscopy Hospital to train the surgeons and Gynecologist is that practical skill

Dr. Pratibha
Jul 1st, 2020 11:30 am
I am so lucky to take the training from World Laparoscopy Hospital. Dr. Mishra is an enthusiastic and energetic professor. He explains more complex surgery into very simple language. Thanks.
Dr Sony singh
Jul 1st, 2020 11:44 am
Excellent course, The course is very interesting, I feel I learned so much both in class and at home through the study material. They provide more practice instruments and online study material for a lifetime. Thanks.

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