Center of Excellence for Minimal Access Surgery
WLH / Feb 3rd, 2013 5:43 am     A+ | a-
Courses in Minimal Access Surgery at World Laparoscopy Hospital is popular all over world and actually there is hardly any institute in the World better than this institute for last 12 year. World Laparoscopy Hospital is really a "Center of Excellence for Minimal Access Surgery Training". It's going to be our thrust for last 12 year and try to get this a Center of Excellence in Gurgaon, India, which takes care of "Hands On" training in all specialties of Minimal Access Surgery, i.e. General Surgery, Gynecology, Urology, Pediatric Surgery, in the first place and continuous progressing to VATS, Orthopedic, Upper and Lower GI Endoscopy, ENT and assisted reproductive technology (IVF). World laparoscopy Hospital is the first institute of Asia to start Hands On training of High definition four arm da Vinci surgical Robot.
Fellowship and Diploma in Minimal Access Surgery Integral to every single course will likely be sessions on development of "Essentials of Surgical Skills" the fundamental for virtually any surgical specialty laparoscopic or da Vinci Robotic Surgery. Together with the Master Minimal Access surgeon this Center will train Nurses, Biomedical and CSSD staff who work in endoscopic, laparoscopic and da Vinci Robotic operation theatre, so that the entire Laparoscopic Team is trained. Almost 60% of  laparoscopic surgeons of all over world are now living in Rural practicing environment where already there is need of safe laparoscopic surgical procedures being performed. The surgeons and gynecologists of all over world will have a thrust to find every Rural Surgeon so that the surgical development of Minimal Access Surgical treatment is delivered to everyone in all places. World Laparoscopy Hospital is developing this global trust for last 12 year continuously every day every month and every year.
This contemporary Center of World Laparoscopy Hospital created using a unique philosophy of Alumni concept for continuous education to the trainees, through Hands On skill building strategy. Multispecialty MAS animate lab with top class optics and equipment with HD camera is the unique feature of this Institute. The most highlighting point of this Centre of excellence is:
• Minimal Access Surgery Training for surgeons and Gynecologists on Pulsatile bleeding Organs to simulate live tissues
• Multispecialty High definition Skills Lab built with plasma televisions for acquiring simple and advance modern laparoscopic and da Vinci surgical methods of training for participants
• Large modern auditorium with spacious seating arrangement and High definition audio visuals with tele-surgery and teleconferencing facility with the help of Polycom Teleconferencing system. Our private member area of laparoscopy is available for free download of thousands of Video, Power Points, e-Books and Laparoscopic articles, Free of cost.
• A lesser Class Room of World Laparoscopy Hospital is dedicated for brainstorming and exchange of ideas with minimal access surgical Faculty, discussing operative videos and prevention and management of complications.
• Free internet access with connection of WI-FI, web surfing and video reference library inside the campus.
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