World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery Creating New Milestones
WLH / Jan 15th, 2013 3:04 pm     A+ | a-

First of all I would like to wish "Happy New Year" to all the readers of World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery.  As minimal access surgeons, we are the only group of people on earth whom our patient gives formal consent to render them unconscious and enter their body with telescope. Thus, we have the highest onus to leave no stone unturned in our quest to do the perfectly right thing for our patients. World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery is helping surgeons and gynecologists of all over world to get the highest slandered of knowledge available in Minimal Access Surgery.


WJLS has seen a tremendous start in its first 4 years, and we have successfully resolved some of the initial problems of any new journal. The implementation of WJLS as a new journal in field of Minimal Access Surgery was accompanied by multiple challenges and hurdles. As an anecdotal example of WJLS history, many friends and colleague laparoscopic surgeons initially discouraged the founding editors from introducing an article category on “Review Article”.

Within last few year strikingly, we were astonished by the unexpected high online article submission rate on minimal access original article, complications, case report and review article through our website Beyond a doubt, the main barrier in the past which deters authors from submitting their work online to WJLS was represented by the extremely high waiting time. This impressive fact supports the notion that surgeons and gynecologists all over the globe appear to strive to get up to date knowledge of laparoscopic and robotic surgery, analyze complication, and discuss root causes and preventive measures of adverse events which lead to unnecessary patient harm, in order to provide more transparency to surgical skill.

In a united consensus, we reasoned that the best option for creating a world class laparoscopic journal of unrestricted reporting and debate on quality of care issues in the modern operative setting would be to give quality scientific article. Therefore, we will continue to strive to offer WJLS as a vehicle of transparency, trust, and credibility for the laparoscopic surgeons who have a right to know the truth about the quality and safety of minimal access surgical care provided around the globe.

At last once again I wish a very prosperous new year to our entire colleague and requesting all of you to send your valuable feedback to make this journal World leader in the field of minimal access surgery.

Jun 18th, 2020 11:46 am
Very informative journals. I would strongly recommend that medical students and doctors should read this journal.
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