Importance of Mobile applications in Laparoscopic Surgery Training
WLH / Jul 22nd, 2014 11:27 pm     A+ | a-

The growth of Electronics revolution left all with smartphones and tablets. Therefore the application over many platforms is available over wide genre. Medical applications have gained more popularity since 2008. It has allowed the medical fields to see new innovations and features. The most welcoming feature is that one can oneself take care of the health, physical exercise, calorie consumption and fitness tracking.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have surveyed that currently about 500 million smartphone users avail health care application or Medicine related apps. The numbers are expected to double by 2018. The users are general public mostly and patients, conceived woman, woman on menstrual cycle, athletes and many more. The FDA supports organization and firms to develop mobile based application to enhance health and medicine. They also check the quality of the application developed and certify it.

FDA approved applications and fitness trackers are now available in the market across many platforms regardless of the smartphone you use. The IT development has sure punched a hole in the Medicine world with these types within reach application in your pocket. The FDA has further more published a guidelines for the mobile application that focus on medicine and food sources on 2013. The apps are so regulated without which some fatal accidents could occur with the trust of a wrong application focus wrong motives. This problem is anticipated by the FDA and many other government agencies that have concern regarding the medicine and health issues.

Basically mobile application for laparoscopic surgeons developed by World Laparoscopy Hospital signifies a software that is particularly designed and framed in order to keep track and advise the laparoscopic surgeon to learn laparoscopic surgery. The application also monitor the prohgress of their minimal access surgical skill which is specified to the software. The new innovations have marched to the build of smart watches and smart bands that in real-time calculate the surgical skill ergonomics and task analysis. Surgeons and gynaecologists can see the live laparoscopic surgical videos.

The surgeons and gynaecologists who has taken training at World Laparoscopy Hospital can enter into their member area and download hundreds of video on their smart phone. Their day to day progress of surgical skill can be assesses and they can read hundreds of Laparoscopic articles. They can also chat with the faculty by the help of this application and can apply for future refresher courses. Importance of surgical video can be very helpful for surgeon and gynaecologists.

All the technological developments have pushed the medical based application in smartphones to such a mass population. The future will be with better sensors built into smartphones and watches that further perform specific reasoning. This mobile application is a boon to the medical field itself with real-time tracking of oneself help at the click of a button. In future more advanced version of this mobile application will be launched.

Apr 27th, 2020 12:28 pm
This is a great technique to learn Laparoscopy training. Thanks for sharing the information.
Dr Vikash kumar
May 19th, 2020 10:06 am
World Laparoscopy Hospital has launched its latest version of the mobile app for both Android as well as Apple version. Thanks sir great technique to learn Laparoscopy training.
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