What facilities should be available in good laparoscopic training institute?
WLH / Jul 19th, 2014 10:01 am     A+ | a-

Every institution that want itself to be establish as a recognized and acknowledged group, worldwide, need to deliver a façade of world-class infrastructure and highly talented faculty. A center of excellence based on the virtues of its highly skilful trainers, a haven, where honesty and truth are considered to be the first and foremost requisites for success, are a few qualities that define the strength of an institute. Such an institution also demands faculty present in a good number, so that the student-teacher ratio could be maintained. As of now, the majority of the Laparoscopic training institutes which are known across the world have not been able to establish themselves in a well-defined way, though, there indeed are a few handful of premier institutes that got successful in establishing so.

The training labs should have a world class faculty which can be made available and can get connected with the students, at any given point of time and place, be it in the class rooms, labs or in the operation theaters. The training institute should provide the trainees with all kinds of laparoscopy based books, journals, audios and videos. Presentations and such modern teaching methods should be implemented by the trainers in order to elaborate the science of laparoscopy, to the trainees.

Infrastructure is an important requisite that is needed along with the good teaching aids. What else are needed are the ultra-modern, advanced, computerized and sophisticated hands on training rooms, to ensure an effortless going of learnings. The instruments, tools and equipment should be contemporary and modern so that the trainees can learn operating on the latest machineries, with élan and confidence. Thus, making them adept at operating and handling surgeries in an operation theater, immediately after the completion of their initial trainings. The labs should be well constructed and intelligently designed, so to give the trainees an exact feel of an operation theater and to teach them working under the pressure of an emergency in an operation theater. The trainers should also give every individual his/her complete attention and the freedom to operate on all the machines, on their own, this will individually improve all the trainees and will sharpen up the much needed skills of them all.

Watching intently and observing carefully definitely gives a trainee an extra edge over the others. This makes him fast and efficient at operating and handling complicated surgeries but what differentiates a good surgeon from a great one is the toil fretted away by him during his practical classes. The hard work improves the surgeon’s eye to hand coordination and his reflexes and muscle movements, as well. Why laparoscopic training is different from other normal surgeries is because in other surgeries, doctors rely too much upon each other’s conversational advices, thoughts and ideas but in the case of a laparoscopic surgery, talks are substituted by the 3 dimensional images that are created by a high resolution camera and which are displayed on a big screen. Therefore, the doctors must undergo a proper laparoscopic training before entering a real life operation theater. 
Dr. Sivam Yadav
Apr 27th, 2020 1:12 pm
Great institute of Laparoscopy Training. Great teacher, always willing to explain. Very clear. Congratulations!!! Excellent course!
Dr Vikash kumar
May 19th, 2020 10:59 am
World Laparoscopic Hospital providing best Laparoscopic & Robotic Training in the World. Institute such a scientific program for advanced Training courses. Dr. R. K. Mishra is a Great Professor, very good Teacher and he is skillful technique as well as good technology, 3D HD Robotic system, and best Laparoscopic instrument for practicing, also hospital provided very , good course material and clear presentation.
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