Advantages of da Vinci Robotic Surgery
Robotic Surgery / Feb 23rd, 2018 4:53 pm     A+ | a-
The technology has really improved and plenty of amazing things are being created. Generally advancements in technology tend to make the human life easier and with more meaning. This technology has led to the invention of the da Vinci Robotic Surgery that allows the surgeon to operate on a human being using a combination of computers, electronics and other equipment. The type of surgery itself can be termed as an intuitive surgical endoscopic instrument control system since the surgeon is able to view and control surgical instruments when performing an operation. 
Da Vinci Robotic surgery is a minimally invasive procedure and is quite different from the traditional laparoscopy. It is actually a modified form of the traditional laparoscopy whereby the surgery operates while sitting on a robotic console with fingers placed on the control system. The surgeon is able to move the equipment by moving his wrists and viewing the internal organs on a monitor.
The da Vinci Robotic surgery cannot work alone, movements must originate from the surgeon. The system uses arms and instruments that actually help the surgeon perform an operation. This gives the surgeon full control of the whole system. 
What does the da Vinci Robotic procedure require? 
The da Vinci Robotic surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that allows the surgeon to operate inside the body of an individual through very small incisions. The surgeon is able to view the internal organs on 3 dimensional camera that allows him to make precise movements. 
The da Vinci robotic surgery requires well trained surgeons or physicians. Handling the equipment in order to perform the surgery requires more skills and that’s why surgeons spend many hours in additional training and practice. The entire procedure requires a team of doctors and surgeons who have been specifically trained in order to help the primary surgeon perform the procedure as well as the patient who is undergoing the da Vinci procedure. The da Vinci Robotic procedure gives the surgeon more capabilities than the manual surgery and you will not need to make large incisions in order to insert large instruments. Basically, the procedure itself is human controlled and requires specialised training. 
What is it like for the surgeon to use the da Vinci Robotic System?
When performing the da Vinci robotic surgery, the surgeon is always seated on a console, and this is quite different from the traditional laparoscopy where the surgeon is stands over the patient for some time when operating on them. The console acts like a control room where the doctor is able to view the patient and operate on him or her. The surgical equipment is always placed next to the patient where four robotic arms or hands are supported in order to assist in performing the operation. 
The surgeon is able to perform the surgery by using both hands and feet to move the instruments, whereby the movements are guided by the images sent by the 3-dimensional camera to the monitor at the console. The da Vinci Robotic surgery requires a very effective hand-eye coordination on order for the surgery to be successful. 
This procedure unlike the traditional laparoscopy uses instruments that are flexible and articulate. Those used in the traditional procedure are usually hand held and may be non-articulating. Instruments in the da Vinci system can actually be able to filter and scale the force applied by the surgeon thus providing a smooth, precise and consistent movement. The ability of the instruments to provide precise and smooth movement allows surgeons to easily perform complex procedure son patient that require precise actions and very specific targets. 
How is da Vinci Robotic Surgery to a patient?
Da Vinci Robotic surgery being a minimally invasive procedure, it gives the patient some relief and is less disturbing when it is actually recommended for a major operation. The procedure has eliminated the use of large incisions by making small incisions and using precise movements at the specific target.
Advantages of da Vinci Robotic Surgery 
Da Vinci Robotic surgery has several advantages. This can be attributed to the fact that the procedure is minimally invasive and uses very precise actions on the target. The ability of the surgeon to view 3-dimension images on the computer monitor at the console makes it easier to operate on the specific internal organs. 
1. Shorter hospital stay 
Being a minimally invasive procedure that involves smaller incisions, da Vinci Robotic surgery is associated with shorter hospital stay. There is less postoperative pain and the surgery can actually be performed as an outpatient procedure. More often than not patients do not require to stay overnight. However, if there is pain in some patients they are usually allowed to stay at least for two nights in the hospital in order to control the pain. 
2. Less scarring 
Da Vinci robotic surgery involves the application of an advanced technology that allows the surgeon to make small incisions. This is quite different from the traditional open surgery that involves making a large incision. Therefore this procedure results in less scarring.
3. Less bleeding 
This also can be attributed to the fact that only small incisions are made which means that the procedure is minimally invasive. Therefore, there is less intraoperative blood loss and blood is not needed. This when compared with the traditional open procedure, there is a quite a big difference because the patient lose a lot of blood and sometimes others may need blood transfusion. 
4. Less drugs are required after the surgery 
Due to the nature of this procedure many patients actually do not need a lot of drugs to control their pain, because the pain may only last for a few hours after the surgery. For those that experience a lot of pain, they are given some painkillers and are allowed to stay at the hospital for about 2 nights so that the pain can be controlled. Generally, the process involves less drugs for pain control.
5. Lower postoperative catheterization time
Da Vinci robotic surgery involves a reduction in the postoperative catheterization time. the catheter to drain the urine is usually left for a about 5 days or a week which is quite lower compared to the catheterization time after the open surgery where the catheter is usually left for about two or more weeks. The lower catheterization time in robotic surgery can be attributed to increased precision as well as improved visibility.
6. Faster return to normal activities 
Due to the faster recovery that is associated with da Vinci robotic surgery patients often are able to return to their normal activities after a short time, this is usually after two weeks for most patients and there are no complications. Also according to various studies conducted on various patients, the procedure is known to provide better clinical results than any other form of procedure like the open surgery. 
7. Better precision 
The surgeon is often in control of the entire procedure, and the best thing about this procedure is that the instruments often provide better movements that are precise, smooth and consistent because they are able to control the force that is applied by the surgeon. Also the 3-dimension images viewed by the surgeon on the computer monitor provide better visibility that enhances the precision of the procedure. It becomes very easy to operate on the target area without difficulties and this is what can be associated with better clinical results.  This technique is highly effective and offers a high chance of cure form the condition that is being treated.
Da Vinci robotic surgery does is highly associated with the ability to preserve the erectile nerves. This is attributed to the improved visibility and the robotic arms are positioned in a way that the nerves can be seen and thus they will not be tampered with. 
Da Vinci Robotic procedure, however, requires a high level of technical skills and may not be available in all locations. There is need for surgeons and physicians to continually go through additional training in order to improve their operating skills when using the procedure. High quality skills have a high degree of influence on the success of the procedure. Since the procedure is not available in all locations, patients may have to travel to places where the procedure is offered thus incurring more expenses. 
Da Vinci robotic surgery is a highly effective procedure that involves the use of advanced technology. The surgeon does not operate on the patient while standing over them, but does the operation while seated at the console. The robot has arms that are controlled by the surgeon so that they can operate on the specific target. There is also 3 –dimension camera that sends images to the computer monitor which makes it easy for the surgeon to view the internal organs. The procedure is also associated with a high precision such that the procedure provides better clinical results than the open surgery. High skills are needed in this high technical procedure in order to ensure its success. 
Dr. Anshul Gupta
Apr 25th, 2020 3:56 am
The material of this course is very interesting, and Dr. Mishra does a wonderful job to relay it. Thanks for sharing the advantages of da Vinci Robotic Surgery.

Vinod Chaudhary
Apr 25th, 2020 4:06 am
Excellent lecture of the Advantages of da Vinci Robotic Surgery. The lecture notes are precise and the content is really interesting.
May 11th, 2020 10:37 am
Prof Dr. R. K. Mishra is the perfect person to explain the lecture of Advantages of da Vinci Robotic Surgery. ! I was so impressed how well he explains Robot I had to watch it twice.
D John Recardo
May 13th, 2020 1:08 pm
World Laparoscopy Hospital is an Great institute of Laparoscopy and Robotic surgery Training in the world. Excellent lecture of the Advantages of da Vinci Robotic Surgery. Lectures are very interesting and useful for surgeon's. Dr. Mishra your surgical skill is really amazing.
May 21st, 2020 10:39 am
Impressive video of Advantages of da Vinci Robotic Surgery. Dr. Mishra, your demonstration of each technique was very well presented. This the best training institute to learn Laparoscopy surgery.
Dr. Prakash Chandra Jain
May 22nd, 2020 11:43 am
This video is excellent in presentation. Excellent surgery technic and also safe. Thanks for uploading the video of Advantages of da Vinci Robotic Surgery.
Dr. Parul
Jun 10th, 2020 9:17 am
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Dr Nitish Kumar Yadav
Jun 12th, 2020 8:03 pm
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Dr. Micky Perrel
Jun 13th, 2020 7:16 am
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