Playing Shooters Game Improves Learning abilities and Cognitive Function of Laparoscopic Surgeons
General Surgery / Feb 5th, 2013 11:24 am     A+ | a-

An increasing recent scientific research has shown that playing first-person action games, particularly shooters, improves thinking processes including cognitive abilities and learning skills of laparoscopic and da vinci robotic surgeon - changes who have real-life applications, reports Scientific American Mind. Brain skills improved of minimal access surgeon by playing first-person shooters include over hand-eye coordination, a long-held assumption: Studies cited by Scientific American Mind found out that gamers who played shooters often fared better in tests of abilities including spatial reasoning, spatial focus, visual acuity and decision-making. According to neuroscientist Daphne Bavelier in the University of Rochester and the University of Geneva, video games "retune connectivity across and within different brain areas," which means that playing them confers skills that may be applied outside of the medium. Scientific American Mind so named the "holy grail of education."

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The improvements do not require playing shooters for a long time, either - while gamers initially scored better on tests of spatial reasoning and visual attention, non-gamers have been told to play a first-person shooter regularly for a short time evinced marked increases of their scores on those tests. Subjects in the studies cited by Scientific American Mind played games like Unreal Tournament 2004 and Halo: Combat Evolved. In a 2006 study conducted by Bavelier and researcher C. Shawn Green, nine nongamers played Medal of Honor: Allied Assault for just one hour each day for 10 days, while eight nongamers played Tetris for the same span. By training with the military shooter for under a couple weeks, the nongamers could increase their scores on three tests of visual attention - a skill that's vital for activities including reading and driving.

BY TRAINING With all the MILITARY SHOOTER For under A couple weeks, THE NONGAMERS Had the ability to Grow their VISUAL ATTENTION Other research that Scientific American Mind cited will include a 2011 study by University of California, Berkeley, research optometrists Roger Li and Dennis Levi. They discovered that playing Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault for 40 hours helped cure amblyopia (lazy eye) in 10 adults, together with improving their spatial attention and depth perception skills. And in accordance with a 2007 study by Douglas A. Gentile of Iowa State University, skill and past experience with video games correlates which has a significantly reduced a higher level errors for laparoscopic surgeons. Scientific American Mind stated several studies showing that playing violent games features a small effect in increasing aggression to get a limited time. According to the magazine, researchers are trying to develop first-person games that can have similar results on thinking processes, but without the violence and potential unwanted effects of shooters.
Dr. L. Deo
Jun 17th, 2020 6:28 am
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Dr. Kevin
Jun 17th, 2020 6:31 am
Dr. Mishra, You are always performing a leadership role in laparoscopic surgery. Thanks for uploading this video.

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