Future of Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery
General Surgery / May 4th, 2014 2:48 am     A+ | a-

Laparoscopic approach in the medical field has brought in new changes in the way of performing surgeries. But the modern medical man is not satisfied with the benefits he is giving his patients through these. The constant researches that are being pursued throughout the world are bringing in new ways of doing the old things. Now the attention of the surgeons seems to be focused on performing scar less surgeries and these surgeries are becoming more common in the humans. These surgeries are popularly called as the Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery as this type of surgeries is performed by inserting the surgical tools through the natural orifices of the body.

This type of surgical methods of offering scar less surgery is popularly termed as the NOTES and more and more types of surgical procedures that are currently performed as laparoscopic procedures are being brought under this category.  Many of the scar less surgical procedures are performed through the natural orifices of digestive tract, vagina, or the urinary bladder. The future of these types of surgery is promising and though still it is to be proved beyond question.

The NOTES surgical procedures are adopted in human beings and still it has to overcome some of the critical obstacles like assuring safety to the procedures, reliable closure methods, invention of the required critical equipments, and training of the multidisciplinary personnel required for the proper management and administration of the NOTES procedure.  Most intensive research is now going on to bring in the NOTES technique to make it the answer for various surgical situations in humans. This type of minimally invasive pattern of surgical procedure is becoming very popular by the day due to various advantages it is offering now like minimum pain and no scars after surgery.

With so much of research going on for this type of NOTES surgery, this new technique is becoming available for the treatment of newer medical conditions.  This is found to be providing considerable advantages over the existing surgical procedures. Innovations are making lot of changes in the use of this wonderful way of doing surgery and are giving more options to the surgeon to decide about the way of treatment for the patient.

The group of surgeons who are advocating the spreading of the NOTES way of doing surgery is working hard to circumvent the problems that are becoming evident now in the management of the overall system of surgery. Due to their endeavor it is now possible to overcome the problems that were faced by the laparoscopic system of surgery during its period of emergence. This is preventing the unscrupulous usage of this system of surgery before going through the entire learning curve so that avoidable complications are prevented during the surgical phase.

Because of this cautious approach the future of Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery is becoming brighter. More and more surgeons are showing keen interest and have already begun applying this type of surgical application to various forms of health conditions. 

Dr. Kangana
Jun 15th, 2020 5:30 am
A bright and outstanding lecturer. Very stimulating!! Thanks for sharing of Future of Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery video.
Dr. Charry Bryn Omni
Jun 24th, 2020 11:40 am
Well done, Prof Dr. R. K. Mishra, you are an great educator - keep up the good transmission of knowledge to the world ! Pure excellence in knowledge and teaching skills, such a very impressive video presentation - Thank you! This is an amazing demonstration of future of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery.
Dr. Shadan Bhattacharjee
Jun 24th, 2020 11:49 am
Prof Dr. R. K. Mishra your teaching technique is brilliant. I understood all of it and learned so much. You are a born teacher. Totally humble - down to our level yet raising to yours. Well done !! Brilliant it's was very educational video presentation of future of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery. It was very informative and useful presentation..
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