IPOM technique of indirect inguinal hernia
General Surgery / Jul 25th, 2016 11:49 am     A+ | a-

At World Laparoscopy Hospital, Dr R K Mishra has developed his personnel experience on laparoscopic hernioplasty using the Intraperitoneal Onlay Mesh Repair (IPOM) in 36 patients. In this technique Mishra's knot is used to fix the Mesh. In thhis stydy of suturing technique of Viporo II mesh, all the patients were suffering from either direct or indirect inguinal hernia and only few of them included who had recurrent inguinal hernia, 7 of which were recurrent and 20 had a unilateral hernia, and 9 had bilateral inguinal hernia. The hernia repair was performed utilizing Vipro II Mesh and the prostheses were fixed with titanium spiral tacks (Protack, AutoSuture, Tyco Healthcare) and few of the were fixed with the covedian absorbable tacker AbsorbaTack™ (ABSTACK30X) Fixation Device .

In our study conducted at World Laparoscopy Hospital, Gurgaon, India no intraoperative complications occurred and no conversion was necessary. In this study to preven seroma formation tight srotal support was given to one week. Mean hospital stay was 24 hours.  Mean resumption of normal activity was 7 days with return to work within two weeks.

At an average 6 month follow-up, 1 recurrences were recorded. The results of this study as well as the meta-analysis of the series presented in the Literature, indicate that the IPOM inguinal hernia surgery may be a feasible, safe and effective procedure in the treatment of recurrent and bilateral hernias or when a hernia repair is performed during other laparoscopic procedures.

The IPOM has infact been shown to be faster and easier recovery than the other more commonly performed traditional TEP and TAPP laparoscopic hernioplasties. These data may also suggest to utilize this technique in particular cases of primitive hernia such as very active young males without any comorbidity. Our experience of doing this type of hernia repair is very encouraging. However the limited series and the short follow-up ask for a large randomized prospective long term studies to definitely ascertain the true incidence of recurrence and therefore the effectiveness of this attractive procedure.

Dr. Kashish Verma
Apr 26th, 2020 10:09 am
Thank you for that motivational video. Thanks for sharing IPOM technique of indirect inguinal hernia video.
Dilara Wanrio
May 17th, 2020 5:13 pm
Thank you sir for teaching us this superb technique, The way of your Explaining and demonstration of IPOM technique of indirect inguinal hernia it's really Awesome. This is the best inguinal hernia video that I have seen, God bless you in all this learning methods that you are provide to us. Thank you for posting such a useful video very informative and educative.
May 21st, 2020 11:57 am
Great information about IPOM technique of indirect inguinal hernia. This information is very important for people. Thanks for sharing.
Dr. Rajeev Ranjan
May 22nd, 2020 12:59 pm
Impressive video of IPOM technique of indirect inguinal hernia. Dr. Mishra, your demonstration of each technique was very well presented. This the best training institute to learn Laparoscopy surgery.
Dr. Bhawana Bist
Jun 12th, 2020 7:17 am
Such a Fantastic demonstration of IPOM technique of indirect inguinal hernia. This video is very useful for Doctors. Dr. Mishra is an excellent surgeon and teacher.
Dr. Satpute Promud Sankar
Jun 16th, 2020 6:01 pm
Always happy to find your brilliant lecturers here on Youtube. Keep up the good work. Thank you Dr. Mishra for your amazing presentation of IPOM technique of indirect inguinal hernia, sir your explanation is very sample and easy to remember and amazing.
Dr Nitish Kumar Yadav
Jun 16th, 2020 6:08 pm
This was far more helpful than all the others lectures and reading I’ve went through. Thank you!
Best explanation that I have ever seen this professor is incredible.Thanks for sharing your wonderful video presentation of IPOM technique of indirect inguinal hernia.

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