5 Benefits of Bariatric Surgery: A solution for obesity
General Surgery / Jan 29th, 2020 4:40 pm     A+ | a-

5 Benefits of Bariatric Surgery: A solution for obesity

Obesity is a public health problem, and bariatric surgery is one of the best alternatives to improve the health and quality of life of affected people.

1. Improves the insulin response

Blood glycemia levels are regulated due to a better response of peripheral tissues to insulin actions; this is very important because obesity can cause diabetes and other metabolic diseases, gastric bypass is an excellent option for diabetic patients (1)

2. Improves respiratory capacity

 People with obesity morbidity suffer from apnea and other respiratory problems due to the pressure of adipose tissue on the thoracic cage, after bariatric surgery, this is reduced and even disappears. 

3. Reduce cholesterol levels

High levels of cholesterol and triglycerides are typical in obese people and represent a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases, after bariatric surgery, these levels are reduced.

4. Reduce blood pressure

High blood pressure is common in obese people because there is an overload in the functions of the heart, weakening it over time, with bariatric surgery can reduce and even eliminate the use of medications to control blood pressure in people obese. (2)

5. Improves joint discomfort

The joints suffer a weakening in the joint surface and inflammation due to overweight; this favors a sedentary lifestyle and prolongs obesity, with weight loss after bariatric surgery mobility improves, and pain is reduced.
Any of the bariatric surgeries provide a long-term solution for the treatment of morbid obesity, and its consequences on health, together with a balanced diet and regular physical activity, improve the quality of life of obese people.


1. https://newsroom.clevelandclinic.org/2017/07/07/bariatric-surgery-or-medicationlifestyle-modifications-which-has-better-long-term-effect-on-type-2-diabetes-cleveland-clinic-led-multicenter-trial-to-assess-approaches/
2. http://surgery.ucla.edu/bariatric-surgery-benefits
Feb 11th, 2020 4:53 am
Thanx for sharing this useful blog.
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Apr 24th, 2020 9:33 am
Excellent video of Bariatric Surgery. This is a very informative video for people who are suffering from obesity.
May 11th, 2020 6:40 am
Thank you Sir for brief description of Morbid Obesity management. 5 Benefits of Bariatric Surgery: A solution for obesity. Thanks for sharing useful article
Anshika Thakur
May 18th, 2020 5:52 am
It is very important to know about 5 Benefits of Bariatric Surgery: A solution for obesity. Thanks for sharing useful article.
May 21st, 2020 10:11 am
Great presentation of 5 Benefits of Bariatric Surgery: A solution for obesity. I am thankful for this educative lecture video is helping me a Lot's.
Dr. Shubham Verma
May 22nd, 2020 11:15 am
Such an excellent video of 5 Benefits of Bariatric Surgery: A solution for obesity This is a very informative video for people who are suffering from obesity.
Dr. Shithi Masum Ahmed
Jun 12th, 2020 6:06 am
Thank You so much for such a nice video presentation of Bariatric Surgery. A solution for obesity with 5 Benefits. Thank you very much doctor. I always find your videos is very useful and clear... God Bless you.
Dr Ukkasha Mohammed Jubair
Jun 12th, 2020 6:46 am
This video was very interesting amazing and I'm looking forward to continuing success. The video was great. It helped me learn the amazing technique how Prof Dr. R. K. Mishra did the Bariatric Surgery surgery step by step. It's looks so so simple...I think I will do surgery soon using sir your Brilliant Technique.
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