Role of Different Uterine Manipulator in Laparoscopy
Gynecology / Jun 17th, 2014 2:03 pm     A+ | a-

In the present times, we see that more and more surgeons are opting for less invasive surgical procedures for many of the obvious advantages available to the patient. In this scenario, we are able to see that the laparoscopic surgeries are becoming more and more popular. The gynecologic surgeon has many options in performing surgeries. The use and availability of many special tools helps him get great results offering all the desired results to his patients. The uterine manipulator is one of the most essential tools in the hands of a gynecological surgeon and plays an important role while performing laparoscopic hysterectomies.
The placement of a uterine manipulator has become the most integral part of the surgical procedure. There are many types of uterine manipulators and each one is used in different ways and their use varies from country to country and even hospital to hospital. They play an important role in the surgery and is used for performing one of the following functions during the surgery.
The primary role of a uterine manipulator is to raise the uterus and bring it closer to the laparoscopic instruments for the surgeon to proceed with the procedure easily. By using the right type of uterine manipulator the surgeon can manipulate the uterus and can stretch the uterus as needed for easy and successful completion of the surgery. This is also helpful in preventing unintended internal injuries to the vital organs while performing the surgery.  The uterine manipulator can be used to increase the distance between the uterus and the other organs like bladder, the ureters, rectum etc and greatly minimizes the chances of injury to these.
The uterine manipulator is also useful in pulling out the uterus through the vaginal cavity after it has been fully detached. This makes the extraction of the uterus easy and safe and thus increases the comfort and level of wellness of the patient to a great extent. Apart from this a uterine manipulator is also useful  in the identification of  utero-vescical  peritoneum, the cul-de-sac and the  vaginal cuff below the cervical attachment thus reducing the risk of wrong incisions and unwanted injuries to the patient. A uterine manipulator is also useful in maintaining the pneumoperitonium after the colpotomy procedure. 
More and more laparoscopic surgeons undertaking the uterine hysterectomies are opting for one of these essential surgical tools as these are 
• Very easy to assemble
• Very cheap to acquire and maintain 
• Made of such a tough material that they do not chip or  break into fragments during the  surgery
• Having  the ability to move the uterus  in many ways including ante version, retro  version
• The modern uterine manipulators come with many new advantages and chief among them is their easy deployment inside the body and they can be left there during the entire duration of the  surgical procedure
We can see different types of uterine manipulators available in the market. Some of these are designed for multiple uses and hence can be reused after a surgical procedure. The manipulators like Hulka Clip, Cannula and Pelosi are some of the uterine manipulators that can be reused.  You can see that some others are use-and-throw types that are designed for a single use only. 
Thus, the uterine manipulators play an important role in the laparoscopic hysterectomy procedures.
Dr. Clarinda
May 21st, 2020 12:57 pm
Dr. Mishra is a very knowledgeable professor with much experience in his field. His lectures are very interesting and full of information and very useful video of Role of Different Uterine Manipulator in Laparoscopy. Thanks for sharing this video.
Dr. Thomas
Jun 14th, 2020 5:06 am
This is the best explanation I have ever seen for the Role of Different Uterine Manipulator in Laparoscopy. You are an amazing Teacher !!!! God bless you. Thank you so much for this video.
Dr. Sandhya Rani
Jun 14th, 2020 5:14 am
Great video. I watched this video for much time and practiced. I have benefited. Thanks.
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