Incidence of Malignancy after Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy
General Surgery / Jul 22nd, 2014 12:06 pm     A+ | a-
The laparoscopic gynecologists has to show caliber of take care of metastasis, in persistent or complex-appearing adnexal masses if the necessity is laparoscopic removal. Within the instance of malignancy, intraoperative rupture of the adnexal mass can upstage cancer from Stage IA to IC, portending a worse prognosis and often more aggressive or longer courses of adjuvant chemotherapy. 
During laparoscopic surgery, upstaging to Stage IV by spread to trochanteric sites has additionally been described in many literatures. Because of this, the frequency of malignancy among these cases is essential and if high, might change practice. Many recent research has evaluated the predictive advantage worth of transvaginal ultrasound for determining existence of malignancy. Sonographic options that come with adnexal masses concerning for malignancy include solid components, internal septations or papillary structures, loculations and Doppler flow with internal vascularity. In recent time identification of useful characteristics on imaging, the incidence of malignancy among women undergoing surgery for benign-appearing adnexal masses is not known. 
In one study records of nearly 2,000 women in Japan who underwent laparoscopic cystectomy for symptomatic or persistent adnexal masses was examined and identified.  An incidence of malignant ovarian neoplasm of 1.5% was found. Findings were limited by retrospective design and generalizability to other ethnicities and countries may be limited. The malignancies identified within this study were few (n=13) and also have better outcomes, so findings with regard to prognosis may not be consistent across other types of early malignancy. Future investigations might randomize patients to endure cystectomy with or without gynecologic oncology surgeons on backup to assess whether involvement of those highly specialized surgeons during the time of initial diagnosis impacts prognosis. 
Researchers in the Aichi Medical University Hospital in Nagakute Japan enrolled 884 women undergoing laparoscopic cystectomy for presumed benign indications (symptomatic, persistent or large benign-appearing adnexal masses) from 2007-2013. Outcomes included final pathology, conversion to spread out procedure, upstaging (intraoperative cyst rupture) and need for repeat procedure. 
Among 884 women undergoing laparoscopic cystectomy, 13 (1.5%) put together to have and ovarian malignancy. Of the 13 patients with malignancy, 9 were upstaged from stage IA to IC due to intraoperative cyst rupture. There is an average delay between initial surgery and surgical staging laparotomy of 88.9 days. Yet, identification of the early-stage ovarian neoplasm didn't alter prognosis. Nearly half of the identified neoplasms (46%) were epithelial. Elevated CA-125 wasn't predictive of malignancy. 
Dr. Nidhi Gupta
Apr 27th, 2020 12:33 pm
Great lecture of Incidence of Malignancy after Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy. Thanks for posting this video! Absolutely amazing!!
Dr Nitish Kumar Yadav
May 19th, 2020 10:23 am
Such clarity and Great lecture of Incidence of Malignancy after Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy. ! Amazing to have teachers like Dr. R. K. Mishra. Everyone of Gynaecologists should know the Malignancy after Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy surgery. must watch this amazing presentation.
Dr. Sandhya Grover
Jun 17th, 2020 7:04 am
Such an excellent video. Thank you for sharing this video of the Incidence of Malignancy after Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy. Thank you Dr. Mishra for providing this informative video!!! I like your all video.
Dr. Nelson Victoria
Jun 24th, 2020 7:39 am
Omg you are an amazing teacher This is the best lecture i ever listened !! Hats off for your efforts Thanks for sharing this amazing video presentation of incidence of malignancy after laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy, please do more videos
Dr. M Karolina
Jun 24th, 2020 7:50 am
This amazing video presentation of incidence of malignancy after laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy really perfect video with clear explanation and performance. Thank you Dr. Mishra, you are an truly Amazing Teacher.
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