This video ovarian cystectomy is surgery to remove a cyst from your ovary. Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgery technique that only uses a few small incisions in your lower abdomen.
Chandan Kumar Chaudhary
Feb 18th, 2021 11:54 am
Wow! Such an excellent video of Laparoscopic Bilateral Ovarian Cystectomy and thanks for sharing it. I needed to see this every day.
Cblm Holy Family Hospital
Apr 20th, 2021 6:38 am
Thanks for sharing the video
Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical technique that only uses a few small incisions in your lower abdomen.
Many women will have an ovarian cyst at some point during their lives. Commonly, cysts will cause little to no symptoms. However, if a cyst is causing painful or discomforting systems, surgical removal of the cysts may be the best treatment option. Some symptoms of an ovarian cyst include pelvic pain, especially during your period or sexual intercourse.