Laparoscopic ablation of endometriosis using Ultrasonic Energy
Gnae / Sep 23rd, 2022 8:12 am     A+ | a-

In this video, Dr. R.K. Mishra at World Laparoscopy Hospital demonstrates the laparoscopic ablation of endometriosis using ultrasonic energy. Endometriosis is a common gynecologic condition that can cause pelvic pain and infertility. While electrosurgery and lasers have been used to treat endometriosis, they can cause significant tissue damage and injury. The use of an ultrasonic surgical ball offers an alternative approach to laparoscopic excision and adhesiolysis. This technique is more selective and precise, minimizing the risk of damage to surrounding tissues. The ultrasonic energy is delivered through the ball, which is applied to the affected areas, effectively ablating the endometriosis while preserving healthy tissue.

Overall, laparoscopic ablation of endometriosis using ultrasonic energy offers a safe and effective treatment option for patients with endometriosis. The technique minimizes the risk of tissue damage and injury, allowing for quicker recovery times and improved outcomes.

In this video, Dr. R.K. Mishra demonstrates the laparoscopic ablation of endometriosis using ultrasonic energy at the World Laparoscopy Hospital. Endometriosis is a common gynecological condition in which the tissue that normally lines the inside of the uterus grows outside of it, causing pain and other symptoms. Surgical modalities such as electrosurgery and lasers have been used for many years to treat endometriosis, but they can cause significant tissue damage and injury due to their wide scatter. To overcome these limitations, Dr. Mishra uses a technique for performing laparoscopic excision and adhesiolysis using an ultrasonic surgical ball. This technique uses high-frequency sound waves to selectively cut and coagulate tissue, minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue. The ultrasonic energy also helps to break down and remove endometrial implants and adhesions more effectively than traditional surgical methods.

During the laparoscopic ablation of endometriosis using ultrasonic energy, Dr. Mishra makes small incisions in the abdomen and inserts a laparoscope, a thin, lighted tube with a camera attached to it, to visualize the affected areas. He then uses the ultrasonic surgical ball to carefully remove endometrial implants and adhesions while preserving healthy tissue. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and usually takes about one to two hours.

This innovative technique has been shown to be safe and effective for the treatment of endometriosis, with minimal blood loss and a shorter recovery time than traditional surgical methods. It is also less likely to cause complications such as nerve damage, which can occur with electrosurgery or laser ablation.

For more information:
World Laparoscopy Hospital
Cyber City, Gurugram,
NCR Delhi
INDIA: Phone/WhatsApp: +919811416838

World Laparoscopy Training Institute
Bld.No: 27, DHCC,
Dubai UAE

World Laparoscopy Training Institute
8320 Inv Dr,
Tallahassee, Florida
USA Phone:+1 321 250 7653
Dr. Shalini Iyer
Sep 23rd, 2022 12:48 pm
Surgical modalities such as electrosurgery and lasers have been used for many years to treat endometriosis. They are relatively unselective with wide scatter, however, leading to the potential for significant tissue damage and injury. Endometriosis was removed using a prototype titanium probe developed for a 10-mm laparoscopic port. The ultrasonic laparoscopic probe consisted of an acoustic vibrator, a coupling device, a removable tip, and a protective flue. Vibrations from the acoustic vibrator (magnetostrictive device) were conveyed to the operating tip through a coupling piece.
Dr. Richa Meena
Sep 30th, 2022 8:57 am
Endometriosis causes tissue similar to that which lines the uterus to grow elsewhere in the body.
Endometrial tissue can respond to hormones, which can cause the growths to enlarge and bleed. The growths, also called lesions, can lead to lasting, severe pelvic pain, cramping, and inflammation. The condition can also cause scar tissue, bowel symptoms, and infertility.
Dr. Shubhra Dahiya
Nov 12th, 2022 10:29 am
Ablation of endometriosis refers to a laparoscopic intervention that limitedly resects the endometrial implants already present in the abdominal cavity. Usually is a palliative measure due to the ongoing process and the further chance of other implant development. However, the greatest benefit appears mostly in the first year, especially if the procedure is executed for infertility indications. In advanced stages of the disease, the intraabdominal inflammation and scarring may make the procedure ineffective and a more radical approach is indicated.
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