Laparoscopic Repair of Hernia 

What is hernia ?

Hernia result from a hole or defect in the layers of abdominal wall, through which the peritoneum protrudes, forming the sac.

What is inguinal hernia ?

This is the commonest type of hernia resulting from a hole or defect in the muscles of inguinal region, through which the peritoneum protrudes, forming the sac.  

What are the methods of hernia repair

The hernia can be repaired by either conventional or laparoscopic methods. Inguinal Herniorrhaphy is one of the most common operations that general surgeons perform. 

We can Imagine a bathtub. When we put the rubber stopper at the outlet and fill it with water, the water pressure pushes the stopper in place and keeps it fixed there.  

What is the principle of laparoscopic repair of hernia?

Why do you approach the hernia from inside?

The hernia is protrusion of the body contents through the weakness in the muscle. It is logical that something coming from inside is best dealt from inside. Also this way one does not cut and weaken the already weak muscle at the hernia site. 

The most common risks associated with a laparoscopy are bleeding, infection, and damage to organs in your abdomen. However, these are rare occurrences. 

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What are the risks of an abdominal laparoscopy? 


What are the advantages of laparoscopic hernia repair ?

Laparoscopic approach has several advantages: 1. Tension free repair that reinforces the entire myo-pectineal orifice 2. Less tissue dissection and  disruption of tissue plane 3. Less pain postoperatively 4. Low intra-operative and postoperative complications. 5. Early return to work.

There is two types of laparoscopic Hernia repair: (1) The Transabdominal Preperitoneal repair (TAPP)  (2) The Totally extraperitoneal (TEP) repair

What are the methods of laparoscopic repair of hernia ?

What are the chances of the hernia coming back?

Almost nil if the operation has been done properly as has been shown in numerous studies abroad. 

How safe is it to leave a mesh inside the body?

The mesh used is the same as the one used for open operations over last 30 years. Its safety and efficacy is beyond doubt as proved by the numerous trials all over the world. 

The cost of laparoscopic equipment and instrument that is used to fix the mesh inside increases the cost of surgery. Unfortunately these are still imported and will remain expensive till they are locally produced. 

Is it more risky for patients with other medical problems?

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