Laparoscopic repair of Incisional Hernia

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Hernias result from a hole or defect in the layers of abdominal wall, through which the peritoneum protrudes, forming the sac.

What is a hernia?

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What is an incisional hernia?

An incisional hernia result from a hole or defect in the layers of abdominal wall at the site of a previous surgical incision.

During conventional open surgery an opening is made in abdominal layers which are closed by stitches. With time scar tissue forms creating a bond between the two sides of the previous incision.

Why and how incisional hernias develop?

What are the methods of hernia repair?

The hernia can be repaired by either conventional or laparoscopic methods. Incisional Herniorrhaphy is a common operation that general surgeons perform.

What is the principle of laparoscopic repair of hernia?

We can imagine a bathtub. When we put the rubber stopper at the outlet and fill it with water, the water pressure pushes the stopper in place and keeps it fixed there.

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Almost nil if the operation has been done properly as has been shown in numerous studies abroad.

What are the chances of the hernia coming back?

Is it more risky for patients with other medical problems?

The general anaesthesia and the pneumoperitoneum required as part of the laparoscopic procedure do increase the risk in certain groups of patients.

How long does it take to do a laparoscopic hernia repair?

The laparoscopic herniorrhaphy generally takes an hour or two to perform, and most patient are able to return home within 48 hours of the surgery.