questions about Hysteroscopy

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vHysteroscopy is the visual inspection of the interior of the uterine cavity through a small circular tube containing fibre optics

What is Hysteroscopy?

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What is an Hysteroscope?

The scope has a small diameter rigid insertion tube that enters the body through cervix and contains optical components that send an image from the inside of the body to a video monitor for the mi8nimal access surgeon to view.

The indication of different types of hysteroscopy depends on the type of problem patient have. It depends on the symptom of the patient and the assumption of gynecologist what he or she wants to see and what is his provisional diagnosis.

what are the Indications of different types of hysteroscopy?

How hysteroscopy is performed ?

Parient lies down in lithotomy position head is down 15 degree. patient is positioned well down on the operation table to ensure the buttock overhang the end of the table.

What are the complication of hysteroscopy

Possible complications of hysteroscopy include bleeding and puncture of the uterus (uterine perforation). Bowel damage through the hole of uterine perforation.

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The chance of uterine perforation during hysteroscopy is very rare in experienced hand. If it happens, the diagnostic laparoscopy should be performed to examine any possible bowel injury.

What should be done after a complication of uterine perforation?