Questions about Achalasia

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– Achalasia is a rare disease of the muscle of the lower esophageal body and the lower esophageal sphincter.

Achalasia at a Glance

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How does the normal esophagus function?

. The upper esophageal sphincter is the uppermost part, a specialized ring of muscle that forms the upper end of the tubular esophagus and separates the esophagus from the throat.

In achalasia to let food pass into the stomach there is an inability of the lower sphincter to relax and open.

How is esophageal function abnormal in achalasia?

What are the complications of achalasia?

There often is inflammation of the esophagus, called esophagitis, which is caused by the irritating effect of food and fluids that collect in the esophagus for prolonged periods of time.

What are the symptoms of achalasia?

The most common symptom of achalasia is difficulty in swallowing (dysphasia). Patients typically describe food sticking in the chest after it is swallowed.

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The nerves coordinate the relaxation and opening of the sphincters as well as the peristaltic waves in the body of the esophagus.

What causes achalasia?

How is achalasia treated?

Treatments for achalasia include oral medications, stretching of the lower esophageal sphincter (dilation), surgery to cut the sphincter (esophagomyotomy), and the injection of botulinum toxin (Botox) into the sphincter.

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Oral medications

Oral medications that help to relax the lower esophageal sphincter include groups of drugs called nitrates, for example, isosorbide dinitrate (Isordil) and calcium channel blockers, for example, nifedipine (Procardia) and verapamil (Calan).