Laparoscopic and Robotic Hernia Repair TAP, TEPP and other

What is Robotic Hernia repair surgery? 

Laparoscopic surgery, like robotic hernia repair, employs a laparoscope and is performed in the same manner (small incisions, a tiny camera, inflation of the abdomen, projecting the inside of the abdomen onto television screens).

Symptoms of  Hernia

The symptoms and indicators vary based on the type of hernia. The herniated tissue frequently flows back and forth through the weakness with minor symptoms. You may notice a swelling in this area from time to time. Pain, swelling, and pressure are some of the symptoms.

Common types of Hernia

– Epigastric (midline of the upper abdomen) – Hiatal (upper stomach, diaphragm) – Inguinal (inner groin) – Femoral (outer groin) – Incisional (near a scar of previous surgery) – Umbilicus (at the stomach button.) – Ventral hernia – Spigelian

Difference between Laparoscopic and Robotic hernia surgery? 

Robotic surgery, like laparoscopic surgery, uses small incisions, a camera, and surgical equipment. During robotic surgery, however, instead of holding and manipulating surgical equipment, your MedStar surgeon will sit at a computer panel and utilise controls to guide the robot.

Do not make sudden position changes; if lying down; sit for a minute before standing. No driving for one week. No lifting greater than 10 pounds for 6 weeks. There will be 3 to 4 small incisions in the abdominal area. 


Robotic Surgical Hernia Repair

Hernia repair surgery requires returning the organ to its place and repairing the tears in the surrounding tissue. The good news is that surgical techniques have greatly advanced. We now have new procedures and materials which offer options that can decrease discomfort and speed recovery and help you get back to your life faster.

Your surgeon will sit next to you at a console and use tiny instruments, including a camera, to operate through a few small incisions. All instruments are completely under the authority of your surgeon. The da Vinci® System translates every hand movement in real time to bend and rotate the instruments for a precise repair of your hernia.

How is Robotic Hernia Surgery Performed? 

Robotic hernia surgery is minimally invasive, and many people can recover in a week or two instead of four to six weeks. 

How long is recovery from robotic hernia? 

Dr. R.K. Mishra

(Dr.). Mishra is internationally renowned for his work in Laparoscopic and Robotic surgery and has performed over 12,000 laparoscopic and robotic surgeries.

MBBS (Honours); MS; MRCS; Dip.Lap; F.MAS; D.MAS; FICRS