Laparoscopic Adrenal Gland Removal (Adrenalectomy)

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Whether one or both glands need to be removed can be decided only after consulting the doctor.

Are Both the Adrenal Gland Removed ?

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Can A prson Live Without Adrenal Gland?

Yes you definitely can, but follow ups with an experienced endocrinologist are highly recommended.

The surgery if performed through multiple (3) small (1 cm) incisions made in the abdomen. Through these incisions laparoscopic telescopes and instruments are inserted which are used to remove the one or both the Adrenal Glands.

How is Laproscopic Adrenalectomy performed ?

How Long does this surgery Take ?

Surgery itself usually takes anywhere from three to five hours.

Is The Whole adrenal Gland always Removed?

– Generally, the entire adrenal gland is removed during surgery. This leaves you with one whole, healthy gland on the other side, which will provide all the hormonal control that you need.

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– The risks of surgery are rare, but exist, and are similar to any abdominal surgery. These include bleeding, infection, injury to nearby blood vessels and structures, or possible need for conversion to an open surgery.

What are the risk of surgery ?

What is an Adrenalectomy required ?

Adrenalectomy, ie. the removal of one or both the Adrenal Glands, is required when there is an excess amount of hormone production in the body which may lead to stroke, heart attack, coma, organ failure or even death in severe conditions.

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