Diagnostic Laparoscopy Patient Information

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A needle or hollow tube called a trocar is inserted into the incision. Carbon dioxide gas is passed into the abdomen through the needle or tube. 

How is this test performed ?

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What is Diagonastic Laparoscopy ?

It is the procedure done to diagnose the disease through the image of abdomen using the telescope by a keyhole. 


How long does it take to recover from Diagnostic Laparoscopy 

Recovery from diagnostic laparoscopy takes about 5 days. People who have had laparoscopic surgery need more recovery time depending upon the surgery performed. 


1. Written consent for surgery. 2. Don't eat or drink as advised by the surgeon. 3. Standard blood, urine, or X-ray testing may be required. 4. Consult with your surgeon about the medicines you take

What all are required for surgery ?

What Complication can occur ?

Most common complication for any surgery is infection and bleeding. There is small risk for damage of abdominal organs, intestines, urinary bladder or blood vessels.   

What to expect after Surgery?

1. You will be unconscious for a while because of the anaesthesia 2. You will feel some pain at the site of incision, for which the doctor will prescribe you pain killers.

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It can be done under general or local anaesthesia. 

What type of anaesthesia is used.