What are the complications of laparoscopic surgery?

Like any surgery laparoscopy has the potential risk of anaesthesia and operation. Although laparoscopy causes less tissue injury then its open counterpart but it is wrong to say that it is totally risk free operation.

complications of laparoscopic surgery

1. Complications of anaesthesia like cardiac arrhythmia, and respiratory complications. 2. Transient high fever. 3. Abdominal wall ecchymosis. 4. Pneumonia and bronchitis. 5. Bleeding due to injury of unrecognised blood vessels. 6. Injury to internal solid organs. 7. Perforation of hollow viscus 8. Injury of major blood vessels. 9. Thromboembolism. 10. Infection. 11. Hernia. 12. Adhesion formation.

Common  complications

After your procedure, it’s important to watch for any symptoms of infection.


What is the most common complication after laparoscopic surgery?

Infection is the most common complication of any surgical procedure. In laparoscopic surgery rate of infection is very less than open surgery but many statistical studies shows that infection is still the most common complication after laparoscopic surgery.

What are the complications specific to laparoscopic technique?

The Injury to bowel and blood vessels is specially related to the technique of laparoscopic surgery. There is a small risk of complications that include, injury to the abdominal organs, intestines, urinary bladder or blood vessels.

When should I suspect a complication?

If patient have fever, chills, vomiting, are unable to urinate, developed increasing redness at an incision site, or if pain is worsening, distension of abdomen or any discharge from the port site, patient should contact their surgeon promptly.

What are the contraindications of laparoscopic surgery?

Contraindications for laparoscopy are relative and include the uncooperative patient, uncorrectable coagulation defects, severe congestive heart failure, respiratory insufficiency, suspected acute, diffuse peritonitis, and the presence of distended bowel.

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