Today's new quiz


1. A 32 year old patient who underwent a laparoscopic cholecystectomy five days ago calls reporting increased right upper quadrant pain and a low grade fever. Your recommendation should be which of the following? ?
a) This is normal after laparoscopic surgery
b) Immediate Emergency intervention is necessary
c) Recommend patient to stay on clear liquid diet until symptoms resolve.
d) Recommend patient  to contact you only if fever rises above 101.5 F.


2. A patient underwent dysphagia 5 days after laparoscopic anterior fundoplication what should be the management?
a) The plication is too tight and need dilatation
b) It is normal within first few weeks
c) Immediate surgical intervention is necessary
d) Patient should be advice to cough vigorously


3. What is the early sign of leakage of laparoscopic upper bowel anastomosis.
a) Tachycardia
b) Fever
c) Peritonitis
d) Oliguria


4. The options of choice for adrenalectomy in the treatment of pheochromocytoma in a young girl in a specialized centre is.
Midline laparotomy
Trans peritoneal laparoscopic resection
Extraperitoneal laparoscopic resection
Flank incision through 11th rib


5. In reproductive age group laparoscopic appendectomy is better because:
40% of success rate
Better method of preventing un necessary appendectomy
Less traumatic
Time consuming

Thank you! Visit again tomorrow for more fresh questions.