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Laparoscopic Surgery Poem by Dr R K Mishra
2023  |  03.23.2023 5:37 am  |  801  |  A+ | a-
Laparoscopic Song by Dr R K Mishra
Laparoscopic Song by Dr R K Mishra

Laparoscopic Song

"Laparoscopic surgery, a modern art

Performed with skill and a steady heart

A camera and tools, small and precise

Help guide the surgeon, to make incisions precise"

"The abdomen, once a mystery

Now visible in high-definition clarity

The surgeon's hands work deftly and swift

To mend and heal, the body's rift"

"A tiny cut, a probe is slid

Inside the body, where it's needed

A hernia fixed, a tumor removed

With minimal pain, the patient improved"

"Recovery swift, with less scarring

A procedure, once daunting, now less alarming

Laparoscopic surgery, a marvel of our time

Helping to heal, with precision sublime."
