What are Free Study materials given during Laparoscopic Training?
We provide following study materials for surgeon taking part in course: Twenty C.Ds containing laparoscopic videos of approx 30 minimal access surgical procedure. Comprehensive Text Book of Laparoscopic surgery for Surgeons and Gynecologists Passwords for member surgeons to avail continued free Online support on www.laparoscopyhospital.com. On spot post training help for member surgeons to start the laparoscopic surgery at their own hospital. We provide World's Largest collection of Laparoscopic Videos, PPT and eBooks for our students through our member area) free for our trainees and continued Online support and CME accreditation.

The Surgeons and Gynecologists will get User name and Password and through our private member area they will be able to access plethora of Laparoscopic Study Material on this website.

For more detail log on to laparoscopyhospital.com

World Laparoscopy Hospital