Discussion in 'All Categories' started by edwin ferreira - Apr 19th, 2011 4:51 pm.
edwin ferreira
edwin ferreira
i have no health ins. who will take out my galblatter on a credit plan ive had all the tests, i need a surgen i live in houston area can u help my doctor refuses to give me anymore pain meds i need help can u help thankyou ed ferreira
re: galblatter by Dr Sadhana - Apr 20th, 2011 6:41 am
Dr Sadhana
Dr Sadhana
Dear Dr Edwin Ferreira

We can perform the laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery free of cost. To decrease the impact of high cost of Laparoscopic surgery on the financial status of poor people of developing country, there is a trend toward developing affordable treatment models for complex conditions on a fully modern operation theatre. World Laparoscopy Hospital is only institution in the world which provide free laparoscopic surgery for poor and needy patients. We have done a retrospective study of the initial experience of advanced laparoscopic procedures performed in the World Laparoscopy Hospital. Over 10 years, 1150 patients underwent free laparoscopic surgery.
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