Trying to conceive for 3 years
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Azmery Sultana - Aug 15th, 2011 2:02 pm.
Azmery Sultana
Azmery Sultana
Present diagnosis by USG- bulky uterus, enlarged ovary with dominant follicles.
Doctor advised for laparoscopic removal of ovarian cyst, fibroid and adhesion with the colon for pregnancy.

In this situation is it possible to do the laparoscopic surgery by keeping healthy ovarian tissue.
Is normal pregnancy possible.
If surgery possible what may be the approximate cost?
this is the patients history
Dear Sir,
I am Azmery Sultana from Bangladesh. I am 25 years and married for 4 years . I am trying to conceive for 3 years . My history is given below for your kind attention.

According to my doctors Advice, (My doctor, Dr.Nusrat Zaman, MBBS, FCPS. Consultant, Obstetrics& Gynecology, Special Interest- Laparoscopy & Infertility. United Hospital, Gulshan, Dhaka-1212. Mobile:01711528269 ) I did TVS on 4th November,2010 .Report:Suggestive of inflammatory change in cervix with nabothian cysts. And Hysterosalpingogram . Report: Right fallopian tube is partly and poorly outlined with no spillage of contrast into the peritoneal space . Left fallopian tube is patent . There is free spillage of dye in the peritoneal cavity of left side.

After two days of Hysterosalpingogram I had Severe Right sided abdominal pain and was not suppressed by any pain killer . I was then admitted into hospital and USG was done. The report comments Right abnexal lesion .

Before that, I want to inform you sir in 2009 I was diagnosed as a case of ovarian cyst and fibroid uterus and laparotomy with ovarian cystectomy with myomectomy with adesiolysis was done on 14th November,2009 I had a history of right ovarian cystectomy on 2000. (Dr. Naznin Kobir,MBBS & FCPS)

Azmery Sultana
re: Trying to conceive for 3 years by Dr Sadhana - Aug 15th, 2011 2:31 pm
Dr Sadhana
Dr Sadhana
Dear Azmery Sultana

You need Diagnostic Laparoscopy with Tubal patency test. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia, with tubal patency checked by the transcervical injection of methylene blue dye, and remains the "gold standard" for the accurate assessment of tubal patency. Visualization of the pelvic cavity by laparoscopy is necessary to ascertain tubal patency, adnexal adhesions, and ovarian mass. Some abnormalities detected at the time of diagnostic laparoscopy can be treated during the same procedure, for example, lysis of adhesions, salpingectomy, ovarian cystectomy, cauterization or vaporization of endometriotic implants.

Please get one laparoscopy done by your local laparoscopic gynecologist.

If you want at our hospital the surgery will cost you 25,000 rupees.

With regards
re: Trying to conceive for 3 years by Rowdy - Nov 29th, 2012 6:10 pm
We've arrievd at the end of the line and I have what I need!
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