Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Manish Jain - Nov 5th, 2011 1:03 pm. | |
Manish Jain
My father is above 80 years resident in Delhi. He has hernia which was diagnosed 2 years. He was operated for bleeding piles for 3 years back. Now the hernia has been paining very much and we have shown him Modi Hospital, Orthonova, Nova Hospital, Shubham Nursing Home and Majeedia. The doctors have advised that operation may not be recommendable as he is very very weak and putting him on anesthesia is also not recommended. My dada also feels that surgery is not feasible for his body also to bear. I wanted to check if laproscopy is possible at this age for his condition. |
re: Hernia
by Dr M.K. Gupta -
Nov 6th, 2011
12:10 am
Dr M.K. Gupta
Dear Dr Manish Jain Despite underlying comorbidities, individuals older than 80 years tolerate laparoscopic procedures extremely well compare to open surgery. Complications and hospitalization are lower than in open procedures. Surgeons need to inform primary care physicians of the excellent result of laparoscopic procedures in the elderly to encourage earlier referrals. Major abdominal surgery in the either chronologically or physiologically older patient without doubt carries a higher risk of morbidity and mortality. The chance of an operation is proportional towards the number of identified comorbid illnesses and also the physiologic reserve of a patient. Fortunately, advances in medicine have allowed us to perform most of the operations having a higher amount of safety. As a result, today age is not a contraindication for major surgery. Laparoscopic-assisted colectomy in the elderly is another medical advancement which allows us to provide better choose to a frail, higher risk number of patients. It offers significant benefit since it appears to be less physiologically stressful than conventional open laparotomy. Laparoscopy results in a big benefit for remaining independent after surgery, quicker return of activity level, along with a decrease in direct costs in comparison with similar patients after open resections. We will first examine your father and then we will advice accordingly. With regards Dr M.K. Gupta |