Bilateral inguinal hernias
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Wayne - Nov 8th, 2011 12:08 am.
I will be arriving in Dehli around the 13th or14th of November 2011 instead of this week due to flight conflict. I will be arriving by train from Mumbai. So this will take some time I. Hope to check in ASAP once I arrive in Dehli. Thank you
re: Bilateral inguinal hernias by Dr JS Chauhan - Nov 8th, 2011 7:54 pm
Dr JS Chauhan
Dr JS Chauhan
Dear Wayne

You are most welcome and we will perform bilateral inguinal hernia for you laparoscopically. The greatest advantage of laparoscopic surgery for hernias is in patients of recurrent hernias where the anatomy has already been disturbed and also in patients of hernias on both sides, as they can be repaired through the same three holes avoiding any further pain or trauma.

With regard

Dr J.S Chauhan
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