stomach enlargement
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by irene mitchell - Dec 16th, 2011 5:49 pm.
irene mitchell
irene mitchell
my stomach is very enlarged and not in proportion with rest of my frame.i have recently been getting pain on left hand side under rib cage nd its very tender.
re: stomach enlargement by Dr M.K. Gupta - Dec 16th, 2011 9:48 pm
Dr M.K. Gupta
Dr M.K. Gupta
Dear Mr Irene Mitchell

We think your abdomen is enlarged not stomach. Stomach enlargement can occur due to some disease but as we think you have enlarged abdomen due to obesity. The pain under the lib cage may be due to obesity with fatty liver.

An active lifestyle and regular exercise, along with healthy eating, is the greatest way to lose weight. Even modest weight reduction can improve your health. You may need a lot of support from friends and family.

When dieting, your primary aim ought to be to learn new, healthy ways of eating making them part of your health.

Many people find it hard to change bad eating habits and behaviors. You may have practiced some habits for so long that you might not even know they are unhealthy, or you do them without thinking. You need to be motivated to create lifestyle changes. Result in the behavior change part of your lifetime in the long run. Realize that it requires time for you to make and keep a modification of your lifestyle.

Work with your medical provider and dietitian to set realistic, safe daily calorie counts that help you slim down while staying healthy. Keep in mind that if you drop pounds slowly and steadily, you're more likely to keep them off. Your dietitian can teach you about:

Healthy food choices

Healthy snacks

Sweetened drinks

Serving sizes

How to read the nutrition labels

New methods to prepare food

Extreme diets (fewer than 1,100 calories per day) aren't thought to be safe or to work very well. These types of diets often don't contain enough vitamins and minerals. Many people who slim down by doing this return to overeating and be obese again.

Learn new ways to manage stress, instead of snacking. Examples may be meditation, yoga, or exercise. If you're depressed or stressed a great deal, talk to your health care provider.

MEDICATIONS AND Herbal treatments

You might see ads for supplements and herbal treatments claiming they will help you lose weight. Many of these claims are not true, and some of these supplements might have serious negative effects. Speak to your doctor before using them.

Several prescription weight loss drugs are available. Many people lose between 5 and Ten pounds if you take these drugs. Most people also regain the weight once they stop taking the medicine, unless they've made lasting change in lifestyle, for example exercising and cutting unhealthy foods from their diet.


Bariatric surgery can help to eliminate the chance of disease in people with severe obesity. These risks include:



Cardiovascular disease

High blood pressure

Anti snoring

Some cancers


Surgery might help people who have been very obese for five years or more and also have not dropped a few pounds using their company treatments, for example diet, exercise, or medicine.

Surgery alone isn't the answer for weight loss. It can teach you to consume less, but you still need to do much of the job. You have to be devoted to diet and exercise following the surgery. Speak to your doctor to learn if this is a good option for you personally.

Two of the most common weight-loss surgeries are:

Laparoscopic gastric banding

Gastric bypass surgery

You might have complications from these surgeries. One problem some people have is sickness when they eat more than their new small stomach can hold.

Please consult any surgeon to find out the possibilities of the cause of these pain and get your BMI calculated.

With regards

M.K. Gupta
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