Surgery for a sebaceous Cyst
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Chathu - Jan 4th, 2012 1:47 pm.
I had a cyst on my armpit a couple of years ago. I went to a doctor,he
adviced me to remove it surgically. Surgery was done four months ago.One
month after the surgery I went to the doctor because of the pain.Now I have
already followed some oral antibiotics and a cream. but sometimes it gives
me a pain and the colour of the wound is still red, sometimes i can see pus
coming out when i put pressure on the wound.How long will it take to heal
completely.Will there be any problem if i use deodorants again . please
advice me Thank You
re: Surgery for a sebaceous Cyst by Dr M.K. Gupta - Jan 5th, 2012 12:00 am
Dr M.K. Gupta
Dr M.K. Gupta
Dear Chathu

As we think you have asked answer of this question many times before. In our opinion you will not get benefit from antibiotics. Your cyst has to be removed completely to solve this problem,

With regards
M.K. Gupta
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