Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Grocery Coupons - Jan 3rd, 2012 7:53 pm.
Grocery Coupons
Grocery Coupons
Happy New Year!
re: pLARjCgVHoriCrfxzyA by Dr M.K. Gupta - Jan 4th, 2012 11:45 pm
Dr M.K. Gupta
Dr M.K. Gupta
Thanks and same to you but this is not a forum to wish happy new year. This forum mainly aims at solving some of the health problems.We will strive to solve your queries, provides you with authentic valuable knowledge in an effort to create awareness about your health- and problems related to it.

The group will also make an attempt to update you about new technologies and researches in the field of medicine specially minimal access surgery. Also some of the misconceptions related to health,food nutrition & will be counteracted. We hope to solve your problem.

With regards

M.K. Gupta
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