Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Doris E. Dihon - Feb 23rd, 2012 4:05 pm.
Doris E. Dihon
Doris E. Dihon
I have been diagnosed with a retroverted uterus with a mixed echogenic intramural mass which measures 3.2cm x 3.7cm in size. (Uterine fibroid). I was also diagnosed with anovolution, was placed on clomid for 4 cycles but no pregnancy. I am told by my physician that l would have to under surgery. Is this the cause of my infertility? Due to high incidence of death resulting from this type of surgery in my country, l am afraid to go for the surgery. I was asked to go for the surgery in 2011. I have been combing the internet for resources to help me conceive when l stumbled on your site. It sounds genuine to me. Please help.
re: Infertility by Dr J.S. Chowhan - Feb 23rd, 2012 5:54 pm
Dr J.S. Chowhan
Dr J.S. Chowhan
Dear Doris E. Dihon
Uterine fibroids are one of the most common benign tumors which arise from the muscle tissue of the uterus; they may be single or multiple. About 25% of all women over the age of 35 have uterine fibroids; among African-American women fibroids are even more common. We have many oatients from african country coming to our hospital to get this surgery done. With the trend toward delayed childbearing, more and more women are encountering the problems of fibroids during their reproductive years.

It is generally accepted beleive that uterine fibroids may cause infertility, recurrent pregnancy losses and premature delivery in pregnant women. In you will go for reviewing the literature, many author has reported that hundreds of infertile women with uterine fibroids who had at least one tumor larger than 3cm and no other apparent cause for infertility. Following surgical removal of fibroids (myomectomy), 59.5% of these women conceived, most within a short time. Buttram and Reiter suggested that only fibroid of 3cm or larger, those in submucous locations of any size, and tumors obstructing the fallopian tubes be considered for myomectomy surgery as possible contributors to infertility.

The miscarriage rate in the presence of fibroids is high. Following myomectomy, 80% of patients with a history of repeated miscarriages will have a successful pregnancy.

So in this case we have to evaluate your MRI of the uterus to determine that your uterus need surgery for Fibroid . I advice you to get one MRI done and send your report by email attachment.

With regards
J.S. Chowhan
re: Infertility by Doris E. Dihon - Feb 29th, 2012 5:30 pm
Doris E. Dihon
Doris E. Dihon
I have sent to you last week, my medical reports via your email: patient....
Awaiting your response.

Best regards

D. E. Dihon
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