Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Gaurav Taneja - Feb 17th, 2012 7:05 pm. | |
Gaurav Taneja
Experiencing acute GERD since last 4 months. Also was endoscopically diagnosed for antral gastritis and tested H Pylori positive. On course of antibiotice to eradicate H Pylori that gets completed tomorrow. PPI therapy of 40mg x 2 has not helped relieve GERD symptoms. Currently diagnosed with acute inflamation in distal esophagus and superficial errossions with mild esphasgatis. In the past had haitus hernia and erosive esophagatis. Haitus heria currently no longer exists. Actute heart burns and occasional sometimes accompanied with chest pain radiating to back shoulder blades. LES effectiveness/malfunctioning has not been evaluated. Need advice and consulation on whether LES strenthning is reqq esp. via endoscopic and laproscopic anti reflux surgery and a hospital tour. |
re: GERD
by Dr M.K. Gupta -
Feb 19th, 2012
11:44 am
Dr M.K. Gupta
Dear Gaurav Taneja In your case Fundoplication surgery should be performed. Fundoplication surgery is most often used to treat GERD symptoms that are likely to be caused in part by a hiatal hernia and that have not been well controlled by medicines. The laparoscopic fundoplication surgery may also be used for some people who do not have a hiatal hernia. Surgery also may be an option. Treatment with medicines does not completely relieve your symptoms, and the remaining symptoms are proved to be caused by reflux of stomach juices. You do not want or, because of side effects, you are unable to take medicines over an extended period of time to control your GERD symptoms, and you are willing to accept the surgery. We need to perform some investigation before surgery. Endoscopy Barium swallow Oesophageal transit +/- Manometry pH monitoring If investigations will point toward necessity of surgery, we will perform it. You need to come to World Laparoscopy Hospital for evaluation. With regards M.K.Gupta |