carcinorma of ampulla of vater
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Geetha Kumararatne - Feb 16th, 2012 6:17 am.
Geetha Kumararatne
Geetha Kumararatne
Dear Dr Mishra
I am a doctor working in United Kingdom.My Mother who is 80 years old lives in Sri Lanka.Few weeks ago she was diagnosed with ca ampulla.She presented with obstructive jaundice loss of appetite and malena 3 week historyHer surgeon is worried about 6 hour whipple procedure and he wants to manage conservatively.She is very fit and generally active.only physical problem she suffers from is Ashtma.Her CT abdomen shows no local metastasis or liver seconderies.Growth is confined to ampulla and normal pancreas.ERCP showed the growth confined to a stent is inserted.I would like to do the best to prolong her life if anything can be done safely.Please give me best advise.
re: carcinorma of ampulla of vater by Dr R K Mishra - Feb 18th, 2012 11:01 pm
Dr R K Mishra
Dr R K Mishra
Dear Dr Geetha Kumararatne

The morbidity and mortality rates for the standard Whipple resection operations for pancreatic cancer in patients over 70 years of age do not vary significantly from results for younger patients. However, each patient at every age must be assessed individually, and an evaluation made of the associated risks due to coexistent cardiovascular, pulmonary, and renal disease.

With regards

R.K. Mishra
re: carcinorma of ampulla of vater by Juvielyn - Mar 11th, 2012 1:28 pm
You have made a great effort here. Your itsbwee is awesome I mean I could never find these recordings anywhere. Yeah, we would like you to add other artists to the sarangi section. Sarangi is my most favorite instrument. Please add Raga Durga on sarangi, please. Thanks in advance
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