Overy Cysts
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Manju Singh - Jun 30th, 2012 6:46 am.
Manju Singh
Manju Singh
Cyst in overy since 2 years now i am facing problem of bleeding and pain.
re: Overy Cysts by Dr J S Chowhan - Jul 1st, 2012 10:30 am
Dr J S Chowhan
Dr J S Chowhan
Dear Manju Singh

Laparoscopic surgery is method of choice nowadays. If the cyst is large, or maybe it is causing symptoms, it will probably need to be removed. Doctors sometimes recommend removing the cyst even if it is not causing symptoms. The reason being it is not always possible to tell which kind of cyst it is without looking at it under a microscope. Removing additionally, it cuts down on the chance of the cyst becoming cancerous afterwards.

There are two types of operation, that are usually completed under general anaesthetic

The type of surgery for ovarian cyst are:


Both procedures are described below.


Smaller cysts can often be removed utilizing a surgical technique known as a laparoscopy. This can be a type of keyhole surgery where small cuts come in your lower abdomen and gas is blown into the pelvis to lift the wall of the abdomen away from the organs inside.

A laparoscope, the industry small, tube-shaped microscope with a light on the end, is passed to your abdomen so the surgeon can see your internal organs. Using tiny surgical tools, choices can remove the cyst with the small cut in your skin.

With regards

J.S. Chowhan
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