Pain on the left side after eating and Left Ovarian cyst 4cm
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by Reema Srivastava - Aug 24th, 2012 3:29 am.
Reema Srivastava
Reema Srivastava
I had a laparatomy in February to remove an ovarian cyst which was 9cm. A spinal proceedure was done and the doctor removed the cyst and the ovary + an additional cyst which did not show on the ultrasound. I month later i started experiencing pain on my left side from pelvic area to ribs whenever eat and at night when i lie on my left this pain would be so bad it would radiate to the legs. I was given Eposoft, an ultrasound was done and another cyst, 3.89cm was discovered i've been on microgynon, and 2months later i did another scan which showed cyst to be 4cm. In between i've had UTI, and infection in cervix. the pain on left has reduced to dull pain increasing during monthly periods. I have also tried to change my diet by eating less meat and more vegetables and fruit. I'm worried at how a cyst could develop and grow so fast within a month of removing the other two. I only have one ovary and fear i might have to have another operation if cyst goes beyond 5cm. My doctor insists the pain i have is not being caused by the cyst but no other tests have been done except an HSG to check tubes which showed left tube was fine.
re: Pain on the left side after eating and Left Ovarian cyst 4cm by Dr M K Gupta - Sep 2nd, 2012 4:58 am
Dr M K Gupta
Dr M K Gupta
Dear Reema

You can wait and be re-examined for your ovarian cyst in one to three months if you're in your reproductive years, you have no symptoms and an ultrasound shows you have a simple, fluid-filled cyst. Fortunately most of the ovarian cyst are asymptomatic. Your doctor will likely recommend that you get follow-up pelvic ultrasounds at periodic intervals to see if your cyst has changed in size.

Watchful waiting, including regular monitoring with ultrasound, is also a common treatment option recommended for postmenopausal women if a cyst is filled with fluid and less than 2 inches in diameter.

Surgery is indicated if the growth is larger than 4 in (10 cm), complex, growing, persistent, solid and irregularly shaped, on both ovaries, or causes pain or other symptoms.

With regards

MK Gupta
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