hiatial hernia repair
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by pearl - Jan 11th, 2013 8:15 am.
How long before I can workout after the surgery.
re: hiatial hernia repair by Dr M K Gupta - Jan 12th, 2013 9:27 am
Dr M K Gupta
Dr M K Gupta
Dear Pearl

After hiatal hernia surgery you should avoid abdominal exercises for at least 3 month. It is recommended that you remain on the soft diet - food that will melt in your mouth -for every week possibly even after surgery. After that you may resume solid foods, ensuring to munch thoroughly before swallowing. Some patients see that no one else difficulty swallowing, along with other patients see that it requires 2-3 weeks, occasionally 3-4 months, before they are able to swallow normally again ache free or without food sticking. Carbonated beverages could cause excess bloating and you're cautioned to stay away from them until your system has recovered from surgery; then you can use them gradually. It is common to notice that you simply immediately become full eating less, and possess pain if you eat too much - this is common and normal.

For exercise generally speaking, you may resume normal activity including sports and sex whenever you are approximately it. A couple of activities that suddenly increase pressure within the abdominal cavity (e.g., popping wheelies on bikes, abdominal crunches) needs to be avoided for 6 weeks after surgery. You ought to restrict heavy-lifting for six weeks (over 15 lbs.). A bloated sensation is common and loose clothing is required for a couple of days or week.

With regards

M.K. Gupta
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