uterus fibroid
Discussion in 'All Categories' started by shreya - Feb 15th, 2015 8:33 am.
i have 2 fibroids in the uterus.The mri report says that 8.2*6.1 cm involving lower posterior myometerial wall and posterior cervical wall and another one in the fundal region measuring 6.4*3.6 cm is seen. Is it possible to remove them by laproscopy.
re: uterus fibroid by Dr. J S Chowhan - Mar 4th, 2015 3:49 pm
Dr. J S Chowhan
Dr. J S Chowhan
Dear Shreya
Yes it is possible to remove both these fibroids laparoscopically. Please send the MRI scan by e mail attachment for study and further advice.

With Regards
Dr J S chowhan
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